2021-09-27 17:20:28 5.14MB appendix latex proof LaTeXTeX
A first Course in An Introduction To Model Theory Proof Theory
2021-09-27 00:52:06 8.08MB Complexity Computability Logic
An Introduction to Proof Theory
2021-09-26 23:57:58 631KB Proof Theory
自然演绎证明助手 CSI5110学期项目的自然推论工具 内置JavaScript,并实现了11个自然推论基本规则。 这是一个实时预览:http:
2021-09-09 18:31:55 114KB JavaScript
We give a simple technique for verifying the Restricted Isometry Property (as introduced by Cand`es and Tao) for random matrices that underlies Compressed Sensing. Our approach has two main ingredients: (i) concentration inequalities for random inner products that have recently provided algorithmically simple proofs of the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma, (ii) covering numbers for finite dimensional balls in Euclidean space. This leads to an elementary proof of the Restricted Isometry Property and brings out connections between Compressed Sensing and the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma. As a result, we obtain simple and direct proofs of Kashin’s theorems on widths of finite balls in Euclidean space (and their improvements due to Gluskin) and proofs of the existence of optimal Compressed Sensing measurement matrices. In the process we also prove that these measurements have a certain universality with respect to the sparsity inducing basis.
2021-08-10 09:56:02 181KB Restricted Isometry Property
2020年云基础领域的新经典Building a Future-Proof Cloud Infrastructure SDS, NFV等领域必读圣典 epub版
2021-07-26 14:44:08 6.11MB SDS NFV Cloud Infrastructure
基于部分知识证明的全模拟茫然传输,魏晓超,赵川, 茫然传输是一个重要的密码学基础工具,其可以被用来构造许多密码学方案,例如两方安全计算协议。在恶意模型下构造基于茫然传输的密
2021-05-24 15:53:01 156KB secure two-party computation
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2021-03-30 21:08:36 208KB HTML
前端导师-社会证明部分解决方案 这是“的解决方案。 前端导师挑战可帮助您构建现实的项目,从而提高您的编码技能。 目录 概述 挑战 用户应该能够: 尽可能根据设计规范重新创建社会证明部分。 截屏 链接 项目网址: : 实时网站网址: 我的过程 首先,我列出了HTML所需的所有代码,然后将所有内容分配给它们各自的div。 然后,我将元素放置在粗糙的位置并开始样式化。 内置 语义HTML5标记 CSS自定义属性 弹性盒 我学到的是 我学习了如何更好地利用flexbox实现所需的布局。 持续发展 -我计划学习如何在CSS中利用网格,以便能够更轻松地布置我的网页。 作者 前端导师-
2021-03-17 15:14:00 419KB HTML