1. System Overview The MT6218B is a highly integrated single chip solution for GSM/GPRS phone. Based on 32 -bit ARM7EJ-STM RISC processor, MT6218B features not only high performance GPRS Class 12 MODEM but is also designed with support for the wireless multi-media applications, such as advanced display engine, hardware JPEG decoder, synthesis audio with 64-tone polyphony, digital audio playback, Java acceleration, MMS and etc. Additionally, MT6218B provides varieties of advanced interfaces for functionality extensions, like 8-port external memory interface, 3-port 8-bit parallel interface, NAND Flash, IrDA, USB and MMC/SD/MS/MS Pro. The typical application can be shown as Figure 1.
2022-12-26 23:24:39 3.43MB MT6218B GSM/GPRS Baseband Processor
1. System Overview The MT6205B is a highly integrated baseband processor optimized specially for multi-media enabled GSM terminal. Combining the 32-bit ARM7TDMITM RISC processor core, proprietary low-power digital signal processor, user interface, radio control, audio codec, baseband codec, and other GSM specific analog and digital hardware, the MT6205B completes the best single-chip solution for GSM phone with multi-media function. The typical application can be shown as Figure 1.
2022-12-26 23:23:19 2.74MB MT6205B GSM Baseband Processor
VHDL中的MIPS处理器 ECEC 355的学期项目。 用法 在此处下载所有.vhd文件,并将它们添加到modelsim中的项目中。 将二进制mips指令放置在文件instructions.txt ,并将其放置在与这些.vhd文件相同的目录中。 mips编译器将从该文件中读取二进制指令,并在第一个时钟周期后运行它。 在modelsim命令行上,运行source setup.tcl 。 这是一个小脚本,可以自动编译代码,生成仿真(尽管它不会运行)并将对象添加到wave视图中。 如果这不起作用,那么您可以按照常规方式编译并运行。 代码如何运行 在第一时钟周期始终专用于读出从代码instructions.txt ,并将其保存到指令存储器(在发现instruction_memory.vhd )。 它与处理器本身无关。 这只是初步行动。 从第二个时钟周期开始,即程序运行时。 在第一个时钟周期
2022-11-25 18:20:21 12KB VHDL
1、适合软件开发人员使用 2、硬件开发人员亦可参考 IMX6DQRM datasheet IMX6DQRM_寄存器手册 IMX6DQRM_寄存器手册(数据手册),共71章,适用于初学者进行学习,有关于使用的问题欢迎留言探讨
2022-08-30 16:00:51 26.59MB I.MX6
CoWare.Processor.Designer.2009 license,测试可用,放心下载,不会安装的看教程
2022-07-12 10:09:37 4KB CoWare.Processor.Designer.2009 license crack
This lecture presents a study of the microarchitecture of contemporary microprocessors. The fo- cus is on implementation aspects, with discussions on their implications in terms of performance, power, and cost of state-of-the-art designs. The lecture starts with an overview of the different types of microprocessors and a review of the microarchitecture of cache memories. Then, it describes the implementation of the fetch unit, where special emphasis is made on the required support for branch prediction. The next section is devoted to instruction decode with special focus on the par- ticular support to decoding x86 instructions. The next chapter presents the allocation stage and pays special attention to the implementation of register renaming. Afterward, the issue stage is studied. Here, the logic to implement out-of-order issue for both memory and non-memory instructions is thoroughly described. The following chapter focuses on the instruction execution and describes the different functional units that can be found in contemporary microprocessors, as well as the imple- mentation of the bypass network, which has an important impact on the performance. Finally, the lecture concludes with the commit stage, where it describes how the architectural state is updated and recovered in case of exceptions or misspeculations. This lecture is intended for an advanced course on computer architecture, suitable for gradu- ate students or senior undergrads who want to specialize in the area of computer architecture. It is also intended for practitioners in the industry in the area of microprocessor design. The book assumes that the reader is familiar with the main concepts regarding pipelining, out-of-order execu- tion, cache memories, and virtual memory.
2022-06-14 15:41:45 1.27MB Comput CPU
MT6225 GSM GPRS Baseband Processor_ Data Sheet_1.00_no_link's datasheet
2022-06-12 15:47:36 7.28MB MTK6225
y86_processor 在Verilog HDL上构建并仿真的Y86处理器
2022-06-10 23:46:29 2KB Verilog
TDA2x ADAS Applications Processor 23mm Package (ABC Package) Silicon Revision 2.0
2022-05-30 19:00:49 6.6MB 芯片
本研究论文旨在比较两款多核处理器机器,英特尔酷睿 i7-4960X 处理器(Ivy Bridge E)和 AMD Phenom II X6。 它首先引入单核处理器机器来激发对多核处理器的需求。 然后,它解释了多核处理器机器以及在实现它们时出现的问题。 它还提供了现实生活中的示例机器,例如 TILEPro64 和 Epiphany-IV 64 核 28nm 微处理器 (E64G401)。 用于比较 Intel Core i7 和 AMD phenom II 处理器的方法首先解释了如何测量处理器的性能,然后列出最重要和最相关的技术规格进行比较。 之后,通过使用功率、超线程技术的使用、运行频率、AES 加密和解密的使用以及缓存的不同特性(如大小、分类及其使用情况)等不同指标运行比较。内存控制器。 最后,粗略地决定其中哪一个在所有性能上更好。
2022-05-22 20:51:57 378KB Single-core processor multi-core