Computer games are a vast medium with dozens of genres that have developed over the past three to four decades. Games are bigger and more immersive than ever, and gamers' expectations have never been higher. While linear games, ones that have a set story and fxed progression, are still commonplace, more and more dynamic and open-ended games are being developed. Advances in computer hardware and video game technologies are giving a much more literal meaning to the phrase "game world". Game maps are constantly increasing in size and flexibility, and it's thanks to technologies such as procedural generation that it's possible. Two gamers who buy the same game may have very different experiences as content is generated on the fly
2021-12-28 16:27:46 12.59MB c++ game
Unity Real Ivy可以使常春藤和攀爬植物在游戏中实时增长,将能够创造惊人的动画和效果!要求Unity 2017.2.0或更高版本。 主要特征 – 运行时支持(1.2版) – 常春藤绘画(1.1版) – 程序传播 – 预设系统 – 正常映射,反射,PBR支持 – 光照贴图支持 – 优化生成的网格 – 可定制的树叶和树枝形状 – 点击场景视图 – 可定制的增长路径 – 友好的用户界面
幻想地图生成器 Azgaar的Fantasy Map Generator是一个免费的客户端Web应用程序,它基于voronoi图生成交互式且高度可定制的svg地图。 该项目正在开发中,当前版本可在。 请参阅以获取指导。 我的旧博客涵盖了一些细节,以,您也可以关注。 加入我们的和,共享创建的地图,讨论Generator,提出想法并获取最新更新。 您也可以通过直接与我联系。 对于错误报告,请使用项目或Discord“错误”频道。 如果您遇到性能问题,请阅读。 电子桌面应用程序已。 下载适用于您的体系结构的存档,解压缩并运行。 拉请求是受欢迎的。 工具代码库杂乱无章,需要重新设计,但是如果
框架系统组件 用于L系统组件,组件使用L系统库作为后端。 它通过乌龟图形技术渲染L系统,以创建程序生成的几何。 特性 财产 描述 默认值 公理 (字符串)启动器/初始字符串/公理。 'F' 作品 (字符串) from to制作。 以逗号分隔。 例如: productions: F:FF, X:F+X+F 'F:F' 迭代 (int)应该应用多少次生产 1 角度 (数字)度更改以应用于旋转符号,例如+ , - , > , <等。 45.0 segmentMixins (列表)对于要渲染的任何符号,您需要在此处分配它们的 。 假设您要渲染F和X,然后可以编写segmentMixins: F:blue line X:big sphere 。 如果打算使用,可以在每个符号中定义多个mixin ! 和'你的L-系统到递增/递减的混入指数,这直接关系到你segmentMixins。 例
2021-11-22 19:40:19 574KB procedural-generation fractal aframe lsystem
最近在看Procedural Content Generation 这方面技术,找到这本,可能对这块方面有兴趣的人至少能引进门,不那么彷徨。 Get to know techniques and approaches to procedurally generate game content in C++ using Simple and Fast Multimedia Library.
2021-11-05 19:31:08 12.87MB C++ Procedural Content Generation
泊松盘采样 任意维度的泊松盘采样。 安装 用做: npm install poisson-disk-sampling 用做: yarn add poisson-disk-sampling CDN 上也提供了 Web 浏览器的编译版本: < script src =" " > </ script > 特征 可用于任何维度(1D、2D、3D 等)。 可与自定义 RNG 函数一起使用。 允许配置最大尝试次数、最小距离和每个点之间的最大距离。 允许使用自定义函数来驱动分布的密度。 基本示例 var p = new PoissonDiskSampling ( { sha
2021-10-05 17:51:58 269KB javascript procedural-generation sampling poisson
2021-09-18 11:06:21 35.95MB 图形学
Harness the power of Procedural Generation to design unique games with Unity About This Book Learn the basics of PCG development Develop a 2D game from start to finish Explore all the different ways PCG can be applied in games Who This Book Is For This book is for Unity game developers, especially those who work on indie games. You should be familiar with Unity and C# scripting but you'll be able to jump in and start learning PCG straightaway. What You Will Learn Understand the theory of Procedural Content Generation Learn the uses of Pseudo Random Numbers Create reusable algorithm designs for PCG Evaluate the data structures for PCG Develop smaller games with larger amounts of content Generate content instead of spending time designing every minute detail Learn when and how to add PCG to your game Learn the fundamental techniques of PCG Table of Contents Chapter 1. Pseudo Random Numbers Chapter 2. Roguelike Games Chapter 3. Generating an Endless World Chapter 4. Generating Random Dungeons Chapter 5. Randomized Items Chapter 6. Generating Modular Weapons Chapter 7. Adaptive Difficulty Chapter 8. Generating Music Chapter 9. Generating a 3D Planet Chapter 10. Generating the Future
2021-08-19 22:42:46 5.72MB Unity Game Development
这很有趣! Unity着色器Procedural绘图简介(中文) 解读Unity2018中 ShaderGraph 示例: Procedural
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Texturing and Modeling - A Procedural Approach Texturing and Modeling 的第三版,俺花了七个金币搞来的,现在贡献出来
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