This classic book is the definitive real-world style guide for better Smalltalk programming. This author presents a set of patterns that organize all the informal experience successful Smalltalk programmers have learned the hard way. When programmers understand these patterns, they can write much more effective code. The concept of Smalltalk patterns is introduced, and the book explains why they work. Next, the book introduces proven patterns for working with methods, messages, state, collections, classes and formatting. Finally, the book walks through a development example utilizing patterns. For programmers, project managers, teachers and students -- both new and experienced. This book presents a set of patterns that organize all the informal experience of successful Smalltalk programmers. This book will help you understand these patterns, and empower you to write more effective code.
2023-04-04 15:07:28 3.58MB smalltalk
Design Patterns in Modern C++20 2022年最新版以C++20为基础讲解设计模式,值得做架构的学习
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设计原理原版图书,设计模式基础知识,英文原版 经典图书
2023-03-31 10:36:12 2.4MB 编译原理 CS基础知识 原版
手写字符的识别是任何模式识别问题中最重要的任务。 在本文中,我们讨论了一种使用神经网络和欧几里德距离度量来识别手写字符的方法。 首先神经网络经过一个学习阶段,然后网络被用来识别未知的手写字符。 对于不匹配的手写字符,使用欧氏距离度量来提高识别率。
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有详细的书签目录 Microservice Patterns : With examples in Java 克里斯-理查森(Chris Richardson)
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深入浅出设计模式 英文版 文字完整版
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本书最近好好地研究过了,这里终于要介绍Andrei Alexandrescu了,他是Real公司的项目经理,是GP模板技术的天才,他的高深模板技术影响 了BOOST以及全世界的模板怪杰,本书中他介绍他的库Loki,虽然库十分激进没有实际用途,当时展现的绚烂的特技令人叹服!同时本书是设计 模式用范型实现的经典展现,以及Policy设计模式在其中的极致应用,直接影响了BOOST的adaptor设计(7个Policy)甚至影响了标准库的智能 指针项目(虽然最后被否认了,当时绝对是完美的实现方法)
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