主要介绍了python shapely.geometry.polygon任意两个四边形的IOU计算实例,具有很好的参考价值,希望对大家有所帮助。一起跟随小编过来看看吧
2022-09-18 13:44:10 57KB python shapely geometry polygon
##已弃用此仓库不再在开发中。 请使用实施良好且有据可查的 。 ##关于此仓库Vatti多边形裁剪算法实现,执行多边形布尔运算的并集,交集,差和XOR。 虽然此存储库可用于学术目的。 到目前为止,工作已经完成 适用于自相交多边形和带Kong的多边形。 适用于主题或剪辑TODO中的多面体 剩下的部分仍然是水平边缘的处理和操作的结合与区别。 为了将其扩展为并集和差异,仅需要更改顶点分类规则。 需要合并更多的测试数据。 为了实现vatti算法,我使用了双重循环链表。 我找到了一个,但是我不得不对其进行很多修改。 我正在为排序的双链表寻找可靠的实现。 性能测试。 地图界面上有一个。 我为什么不赞成 Greiner Hormann算法似乎比Vatti算法更好,因为Vatti算法基于众多逻辑条件,因此实现起来并不那么容易。 的似乎很好地实现并记录在案。
2022-08-29 15:15:36 66KB JavaScript
更多资料参考: https://yydatav.blog.csdn.net/article/details/126295137?spm=1001.2014.3001.5502 更多Python&Echarts版的数据可视化大屏源码: https://yydatav.blog.csdn.net/article/details/120705616 更多Java SpringBoot&Echarts版的数据可视化大屏源码: https://yydatav.blog.csdn.net/article/details/123652970 更多《工厂订单出入库信息管理系统》案例源码: https://yydatav.blog.csdn.net/article/details/117841646 更多【工厂扫码打印&扫码装箱&错误追溯系统】完整案例 https://yydatav.blog.csdn.net/article/details/123096879
2022-08-14 09:05:32 7.96MB 数据可视化
此代码将栅格数据裁剪为多边形并计算一些统计信息。 目前的操作是: - 按区域聚合:对多边形内的所有像素求和。 值乘以像素和多边形的重叠区域。 - 按面积平均:平均多边形内的所有像素。 平均值是基于像素和多边形重叠区域的加权平均值-聚合:多边形内所有像素的总和,即使是部分像素也是如此。 - 平均:平均该区域内的所有像素,即使是部分像素。 - 多数:返回多边形内所有像素中出现频率最高的值(即使是部分像素)。 它使用matlab的“模式”功能。
2022-08-05 15:44:42 2KB matlab
2022-07-11 18:29:46 2.26MB library framework polygon openscad
Polygon Cruncher v12.25 – Maya3DsMax模型优化插件.7z
2022-06-21 09:12:18 39.2MB max插件 减面 uv
A low poly asset pack of characters, buildings, props, items and environment assets to create a fantasy based polygonal style game. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. Key Features - 221 unique assets with x4 alternative texture colors. Characters (x5) - Chief 01, Warrior 01, Warrior 02, Grunt 01, Grunt 02. (with Alternative colors) Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/fantasy/polygon-vikings-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-85664
2022-06-16 10:05:27 19.07MB synty Fantasy Building Polygon
This Map pack expands out the Dungeons universe with new rooms and areas. Designed using POLYGON - Dungeons Pack as a base, this pack also comes with new assets specifically designed for the new areas. Key Features 57 New Models New Rooms and Dungeon Layout New Areas - Library - Boss fight arena - Crypt - Storage rooms x2 - Royal Hallway - Vertical Labyrinth - Shrine Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/dungeons/polygon-dungeons-map-low-poly-3d-art-by-syn
2022-06-15 21:05:56 3.62MB RPG Building dungeon synty
A low poly asset pack of characters, props, weapons, vehicles and environment assets to create a Military themed polygonal style game. Build the ultimate battlegrounds game with this solid modern warfare set. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. Vehicles (x10) Characters (x15) Ranged Weapons (x19) Melee weapons (x7) Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/urban/polygon-battle-royale-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-128513
2022-06-15 21:05:54 24.18MB Building Weapon Polygon synty
A low poly asset pack of Buildings, Vehicles, Characters, and Props assets to add to your existing polygonal style game. Include a demo scene (Character poses indicative only) Create houses with the modular house kit (also includes preset houses) Key Features - Buildings (x125) Props (x412) Environment (x99) Characters (x9) Vehicles (x8) Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/urban/polygon-town-pack-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-121115
2022-06-15 21:05:54 24.2MB Building Polygon synty City