JavaScript高级程序设计第三版.pdf 文字版 支持文字复制与搜索 带目录
2021-08-03 17:14:23 20.89MB 文字版 JavaScript 第三版
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2021-07-27 18:15:52 989KB word域
全网独家发布,最新wpf书籍,pdf高清文字版。 Key Features Learn how to use the MVVM software architectural pattern and see the benefits of using it with Windows Presentation Fountain (WPF) Learn which controls to use in particular situations and the various ways to modify them when required Obtain a deep understanding of data validation and understand various methods that suit different situations Book Description Windows Presentation Foundation is rich in possibilities when it comes to delivering an excellent user experience. This book will show you how to build professional-grade applications that look great and work smoothly. We start by providing you with a foundation of knowledge to improve your workflow - this includes teaching you how to build the base layer of the application, which will support all that comes after it. We'll also cover the useful details of data binding. Next, we cover the user interface and show you how to get the most out of the built-in and custom WPF controls. The final section of the book demonstrates ways to polish your applications, from adding practical animations and data validation to improving application performance. The book ends with a tutorial on how to deploy your applications and outlines potential ways to apply your new-found knowledge so you can put it to use right away. The book also covers 2D and 3D graphics, UI automation, and performance tuning. What you will learn Use MVVM to improve workflow Create visually stunning user interfaces Perform data binds proficiently Implement advanced data validation Locate and resolve errors quickly Master practical animations Improve your applications' performance Table of Contents Chapter 1. A Smarter Way of Working with WPF Chapter 2. Debugging WPF Applications Chapter 3. Writing Custom Application Frameworks Chapter 4. Becoming Proficient with Data Binding Chapter 5. Using the Right Controls for the Job Chapter 6. Mastering Practical Animations Chapter 7. Creating Visually Appealing User Interfac
2021-07-23 08:10:47 3.92MB c# WPF
Site Reliability Engineering pdf文字版
2021-06-18 15:13:15 10.52MB Site Reliability Engineering SRE
2021-06-16 19:23:34 417KB 数据挖掘
JavaScript语言有很多复杂的概念,但却用简单的方式体现出来(比如回调函数),因此,JavaScript开发者无需理解语言内部的原理,就能编写出功能全面的程序;就像收音机一样,你无需理解里面的管子和线圈都是做什么用的,只要会操作收音机上的按键,就可以收听你喜欢的节目。然而,JavaScript的这些复杂精妙的概念才是语言的精髓,即使是经验丰富的JavaScript开发者,如果没有认真学习也无法真正理解语言本身的特性。正是因为绝大多数人不求甚解,一遇到出乎意料的行为就认为是语言本身有缺陷,进而把相关的特性加入黑名单,久而久之就排除了这门语言的多样性,人为地使它变得不完整、不安全。 “你不知道的JavaScript”系列就是要让不求甚解的JavaScript开发者迎难而上,深入语言内部,弄清楚JavaScript每一个零部件的用途。本书介绍了该系列的两个主题:“作用域和闭包”以及“this和对象原型”。掌握了这些知识之后,无论什么技术、框架和流行词语,你都能轻松理解。
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