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Paperback: 345 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (January 6, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 1785889230 ISBN-13: 978-1785889233 About This Book Apply the core principles of concurrency to both browser and server side development Explore the latest tools and techniques at the forefront of concurrent programming, including JavaScript promises, web workers, and generators Learn how concurrent and parallel programming can help you tackle the challenges of fast, data heavy web development Who This Book Is For This book is written for any JavaScript developer who wants to learn how to write more efficient, powerful, and maintainable applications that utilize the latest developments in JavaScript. What You Will Learn Understand exactly how JavaScript works in a web browser environment and how these mechanisms power our event-driven JavaScript code Use promises to turn complex synchronization scenarios into readable and maintainable code Compute values lazily and avoid unnecessary memory allocations using generators Write concurrent code that doesn't feel like concurrent code by abstracting away boilerplate chores Leverage true hardware parallelism with web workers to get better performance Get to grips with the NodeJS model of concurrency and learn why it's good for I/O-intensive web applications
2023-02-10 14:52:55 1.21MB JavaScript Concurrency
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