Operations management is important. It is concerned with creating the services and products upon which we all depend. And all organizations produce some mixture of services and products, whether that organization is large or small, manufacturing or service, for profit or not for profit, public or private. Thankfully, most com- panies have now come to understand the importance of operations. This is because they have realized that effective operations management gives the potential to improve both efficiency and customer service simulta- neously. But more than this, operations management is everywhere, it is not confined to the operations function. All managers, whether they are called Operations or Marketing or Human Resources or Finance, or what- ever, manage processes and serve customers (internal or external). This makes, at least part of their activities ‘operations’.
2022-09-16 14:20:42 22.75MB Operations
2022-09-12 15:56:53 6.54MB 航空公司 延误管理 航班恢复算法
Gartner - 2021 Hype Cycle for Security Operations 安全运营技术成熟度曲线
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CMO, Command Modern Operations 注册表文件 导入注册表即可脱离Steam运行
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Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Development Cookbook(4th) 英文无水印pdf 第4版 pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2022-05-05 14:20:36 6.63MB Dynamics 365 Finance Operations
If you are a software developer new to Dynamics 365 for Operations programming or an experienced software engineer migrating from its predecessor, Dynamics AX, this book is an ideal tutorial to help you avoid the common pitfalls and make the most of this advanced technology. This book is also useful if you are a solution architect or technical consultant, as it provides a deeper insight into the technology behind the solution.
2022-05-05 14:15:28 7.58MB D365FO AX
本文介绍了关于有限域GF(2n)上的多精度整数的两种基本算法的并行算法。 通过分析其数据相关性,设计了归约运算和反乘运算的并行算法。 计算并行算法和顺序算法的时间复杂度以进行定量比较。 性能评估表明所提出的并行算法具有很高的效率。
2022-02-22 17:02:26 3.91MB c++ 开发语言 后端
2022-01-20 23:35:49 203.11MB 运营管理 大学教程 供应链