2021-11-24 15:02:28 2.54MB classification Duda solution
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2021-10-22 09:00:18 2.43MB duda 模式分类 problemsolutions
Pattern Classification - Richard O Duda, Peter E Hart, David G Stork - 2Ed - Wiley-Interscience.pdf
2021-10-14 15:14:04 13.42MB Pattern Classification Duda
包含Duda的pattern classification第二版英文版pdf,及课后习题的参考答案和上机练习的代码
2021-09-21 10:45:30 12.06MB 模式分类
Pattern_classification 第二版 中文版
2021-09-11 09:38:25 17.12MB Pattern_classification 中文版,
Richard O.Duda 模式分类 中文版
2021-09-08 19:24:17 16.88MB 模式分类 模式识别 中文版
Duda《模式分类》Matlab源代码和答案 Duda《模式分类》Matlab源代码和答案 Duda《模式分类》Matlab源代码和答案 Duda《模式分类》Matlab源代码和答案 Duda《模式分类》Matlab源代码和答案
2021-05-26 21:17:34 1.32MB Duda 模式分类 课后上机题源 MATLAB
这个是模式分类第二版的习题和程序答案,非常全面,唯一的缺点是全英文。当然,我相信你学到这个地步,那点英文已经算不上事了 给出一些里面的英文供你参考一下(有些符号复制过来有些问题,所以仅供参考) 1、Because of the symmetry property of the ROC curve, the point (Phit, Pfalse) and the point (1 − Phit, 1 − Pfalse) will go through the same curve corresponding to some fixed d. For case B, (0.1, 0.3) is also a point on ROC curve that (0.9, 0.7) lies. We can compare this point with case A, going through (0.8, 0.3) and the help of Fig. 2.20 in the text, we can see that case A has a higher discriminability d'. 2、That is, the two different thresholds do not provide any additional information and conveys the same information as only one observation. As explained in part (a), this kind of result would not allow us to determine da'. 3、We can see that for some n, the ratio will be small if s is small, and that the ratio will be large if s is large. This implies that with n increasing, if x is unlikely to be 1 in the first n tests (i.e., small s), it would be unlikely to be 1 in the (n + 1)st test, and thus s remains small. On the contrary, if there are more 1s than 0s in the first n tests (i.e., large s), it is very likely that in the (n + 1)st test the x remains 1, and thus retains s large.
2021-05-08 14:27:21 2.7MB 答案
Duda《模式分类》Matlab源代码和答案 Duda《模式分类》Matlab源代码和答案 Duda《模式分类》Matlab源代码和答案 Duda《模式分类》Matlab源代码和答案 Duda《模式分类》Matlab源代码和答案