2022-04-06 00:24:15 256KB 测试
8.17 (Rational Numbers) Create a class called Rational for performing arithmetic with fractions. Write a program to test your class. Use integer variables to represent the private instance variables of the class the numerator and the denominator. Provide a constructor that enables an object of this class to be initialized when it is declared. The constructor should store the fraction in reduced form. The fraction 2/4 is equivalent to 1/2 and would be stored in the object as 1 in the numerator and 2 in the denominator. Provide a no-argument constructor with default values in case no initializers are provided. Provide public methods that perform each of the following operations: a. Add two Rational numbers: The result of the addition should be stored in reduced form. b. Subtract two Rational numbers: The result of the subtraction should be stored in reduced form. c. Multiply two Rational numbers: The result of the multiplication should be stored in reduced form. d. Divide two Rational numbers: The result of the division should be stored in reduced form. e. Print Rational numbers in the form a/b, where a is the numerator and b is the denominator. f. Print Rational numbers in floating-point format. (Consider providing formatting capabilities that enable the user of the class to specify the number of digits of precision to the right of the decimal point.) – 提示: – 有理数是有分子、分母以形式a/b表示的数,其中a是分子,b是分母。例如,1/3,3/4,10/4。 – 有理数的分母不能为0,分子却可以为0。每个整数a等价于有理数a/1。有理数用于分数的精确计算中。例如1/3=0.0000…,它不能使用数据类型double或float的浮点格式精确表示出来,为了得到准确结果,必须使用有理数。 – Java提供了整数和浮点数的数据类型,但是没有提供有理数的类型。 – 由于有理数与整数、浮点数有许多共同特征,并且Number类是数字包装的根类,因此,把有理数类Rational定义为Number类的一个子类是比较合适的。由于有理数是可比较的,那么Rational类也应该实现Comparable接口。
2022-03-30 19:40:54 2KB Rational Numbers 分数的加减乘除运算
#UTPL ###教授: 罗德里戈·巴尔巴(Rodrigo Barba) ###学生: 瓦莱里亚(Valeria Quinde) #NUMBERS检测 进行这项工作是为了使用OpenCV和Pyhton掌握机器视觉的实际知识,任何有兴趣对其进行改进的人都可以对其进行编辑和修改。 其设计目的是识别数字测光表(例如文件夹“图像”中的测光表) 系统要求 • An i3 or better processor. The faster the better, especially at high video resolutions. • 2 GB or more RAM. • At least 100 MB Free Disk space • Windows 7 or later, OS X 10.8 or later (has only been tested on 10.9), Linu
2022-03-29 21:22:27 32.01MB Python
iwork for mac最新版2014 可更新正版.
2022-03-22 22:13:14 61B iWork numbers pages keynote
2022-02-13 14:10:42 9.69MB 数论
I had the great good fortune to have a high school mathematics teacher who had studied number theory. At his suggestion I acquired a copy of the fourth edition of Hardy and Wright's marvellous book An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. This, together with Davenport's The Higher Arithmetic, became my favourite introductory books in the subject. Scouring the pages of the text for clues about the Fermat problem (I was already obsessed) I learned for the first time about the real breadth of number theory. Only four of the chapters in the middle of the book were about quadratic fields and Diophantine equations, and much of the rest of the material was new to me; Diophantine geometry, round numbers, Dirichlet's theorem, continued fractions, quaternions, reciprocity ... The list went on and on.
2022-01-10 21:47:53 11.08MB number theory
Prime numbers and the Riemann zeta function.by Jørgen Veisdal
2021-12-29 11:55:51 47.25MB 黎曼猜想
号码识别器 该程序可以识别数字,但是能够识别稍有变化的任何字符。 神经网络用于识别。 用于处理图像-OpenCV库。 C ++语言。 Qt界面。 功能性 从上传的图像中识别数字 识别程序本身中绘制的数字 错误答案训练 对完成的图像进行培训,并使用适当的符号将其分类到文件夹中 清除内存 您自己的图形编号编辑器,可以保存图像 统计表 屏幕截图
2021-12-11 23:25:59 398KB C++
2021-12-11 17:12:22 2.05MB 可计算理论
2021-11-11 01:53:26 935KB 图灵机 图灵