1.修改generator.xml文件中的数据库连接信息和生成包路径 2.修改easy-code-master\src\com\easy\autocoding\EasyCodeApplication.java,添加表名,注释信息等。右键run
2021-07-21 15:02:20 2.15MB mybatis代码生成器
2021-06-03 09:00:50 87KB linux
MyBatis逆向代码生成工具 ,使用说明详见博客园地址: https://www.cnblogs.com/Donnnnnn/p/9566167.html
2021-05-25 11:36:46 26.45MB Mybatis 代码生成
2021-05-18 20:06:07 150KB SpringBoot Mybatis XML配置方式
2021-03-19 20:08:38 117KB java
MyBatisCodeHelper-Pro插件免费版 Features Type safe sql support, plugin can recognize mybatis dynamic sql Code Formatter Generate mybatis crud code by Intellij database table or add a database connection Generate mybatis sql based on mybatis interface method name like spring data jpa, with this, you don't have to write most sql for non join query support generate statement with if test Database generate crud could generate multiple times when you add or delete columns, plugin will auto merge code Full mybatis sql auto complete, recognize mybatis tag in xml, like where trim set include ect,provide sql completion after those tag Jump from mybatis dao interface to mapper xml each other Refactor for mybatis interface method name,refid,resultMap ect Auto complete for mybatis param,if test,foreach,resultMap,refid in sql Generate create table sql from java class Mybatis Param refactor and inspection Ognl support, if test when test ${ bind foreach collection, refactor and inspection and auto completion Jump from refid resultMap to their definition, refactor their name as well Generate page query by mapper interface method Spring support for mybatis, inject mybatis mapper to spring bean,support SpringBoot Refid,resultMap,keyProperty,property auto complete Add @param for mapper method Resultmap column complete and inspection by parse reference select statement Auto map resultMap column and property Generate mybatis mapper testcase from mybatis interface method by database connection, make you test method quicker Full inspection for mybatis, like unused sql in xml, mapper method not have sql in xml, check if resultMap property is right ect https://github.com/gejun123456/MyBatisCodeHelper-Pro to learn more. How to use view on https://github.com/gejun123456/MyBatisCodeHelper-Pro qqGroup:914051156
2021-02-27 16:07:00 26.9MB MyBatis代码 代码生成器
普通版改配置文件运行GeneratorSqlmap类即可 Maven版本,该版本运行方法,打开idea创建Maven启动配置,在Command line行填写: mybatis-generator:generate -e 运行即可
2021-01-28 01:51:11 4.33MB java mybatis 代码生成器 代码规范
2020-12-11 16:51:33 8.91MB mybatis 插件
在我们开发过程中,当设计完表后,便要针对这些表进行增、删、改、查的代码开发,以及相应的entity、dao、mapper、service、controller等代码编写。本工具由本人自行开发,可直接根据表生成对应的entity、dao、mapper、service、controller等各层基础代码,开发人员可在此基础上进行开发。 使用方式: 1、配置application.properties中的数据库连接信息,以及要生成代码的表名、基础包目录、代码输出目录等。 2、进入到对应jar的解压目录,使用java -jar 命令运行jar包,即可在代码输出目录生成相应的代码,开发人员将代码拷贝到自己的项目中即可
2020-03-04 03:07:27 14.84MB JAVA Mybatis 逆向代码 自动生成代码