Quantification of MDL-induced signal degradation in MIMO-OFDM mode-division multiplexing systems
2021-02-07 16:03:22 2.12MB 研究论文
An algorithm is proposed for the fast reconstruction of off-axis digital holograms based on a combination of complex encoding (CE) and spatial multiplexing (SM). In this algorithm, every two off-axis holograms recorded in sequence are first assembled into a CE hologram using the CE method, and then four of the CE holograms are again encoded into one complex spatial multiplexing (CSM) hologram based on the SM algorithm. It is demonstrated that the eight holograms encoded into such one CSM hologra
2021-02-07 16:03:01 850KB
Y. (G.) Li and G. Stüber: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing for Wireless Communications
2019-12-21 19:29:34 12.43MB OFDM