Python Algorithms - Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language
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掌握C ++ 17 STL 这是发行的的代码存储库。 它包含从头到尾完成本书所必需的所有支持项目文件。 关于这本书 在本书中,您将看到C ++ 17标准库的最重要的功能。 为了简洁起见,省略了某些部分,例如; 但是我们将介绍整个现代STL(每个标准容器和每个标准算法),以及诸如智能指针,随机数,正则表达式和C ++新库等重要主题。 您将学习构建自己的迭代器类型; 您自己的内存分配器,使用std :: pmr :: memory_resource; 您自己的线程池,使用std :: future。 说明和导航 05章的代码被组织到一个文件夹中,Chapter05的代码被组织在一个单独的文件夹中。 第01章和第02章没有代码。 该代码将如下所示: public class Program { public static void Main(string[]
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2023年新出图书,五百多页,详细讲述了PostgreSQL 15版本的事务和锁、索引、高级SQL、日志和系统统计信息、优化查询以获得良好性能、编写存储过程、安全、备份与恢复、备份与复制、决定有用的扩展、疑难解答、数据库迁移……适合中级以上编程、数据库、系统管理等技术人员学习参考
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Key Features Learn how concurrency works in Rust and why it is safe Get to know the different philosophies of error handling and how to use them wisely After reading this book, you will be able to migrate your legacy C or C++ application to a Rust environment Book Description If concurrent programs are giving you sleepless nights, Rust is your go-to language. Being one of the first ever comprehensive books on Rust, it is filled with real-world examples and explanations, showing you how you can build scalable and reliable programs for your organization. We'll teach you intermediate to advanced level concepts that make Rust a great language. Improving performance, using generics, building macros, and working with threads are just some of the topics we'll cover. We'll talk about the official toolsets and ways to discover more. The book contains a mix of theory interspersed with hands-on tasks, so you acquire the skills as well as the knowledge. Since programming cannot be learned by just reading, we provide exercises (and solutions) to hammer the concepts in. After reading this book, you will be able to implement Rust for your enterprise project, deploy the software, and will know the best practices of coding in Rust.
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Qt5入门书 Unleash the power of Qt 5 with C++14 Integrate useful third-party libraries such as OpenCV Package and deploy your application on multiple platforms
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Python is widely practiced in various sectors of finance, such as banking, investment management, insurance, and even real estate, for building tools that help in financial modeling, risk management, and trading. Even big financial corporations embrace Python to build their infrastructure for position management, pricing, risk management, and trading systems.
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