看看全球股市是如何触碰一个按钮的。 如果您对金融感兴趣,请继续阅读。最重要的是,如果您是那种想随时了解世界各地股票市场的人,那么此扩展适用于您。 只需单击一个按钮,您就可以跟踪您居住或感兴趣的区域中的索引。 您可以选择要跟踪其索引的国家。 该扩展程序可以显示北美,拉丁美洲,欧洲,亚洲和澳大利亚的大多数市场的指数。 支持语言:English
2021-03-10 14:10:13 136KB 购物
5.Equity Markets and Instruments
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John Y. Campbell Andrew W. Lo A. Craig MacKinlay 1 Introduction 2 The Predictability of Asset Returns 3 Market Microstructure 4 Event-Study Analysis 5 The Capital Asset Pricing Model 6 Multifactor Pricing Models 7 Present-Value Relations 8 Intertemporal Equilibrium Models 9 Derivative Pricing Models 10 Fixed-Income Securities 1 1 TermStructure Models 12 Nonlinearities in Financial Data Appendix
2019-12-21 18:54:25 9.37MB Econometrics Financial Markets
Ernest P. Chan 的三部曲的第三部。 Machine Trading is a practical guide to building your algorithmic trading business. Written by a recognized trader with major institution expertise, this book provides step-by-step instruction on quantitative trading and the latest technologies available even outside the Wall Street sphere. You'll discover the latest platforms that are becoming increasingly easy to use, gain access to new markets, and learn new quantitative strategies that are applicable to stocks, options, futures, currencies, and even bitcoins. The companion website provides downloadable software codes, and you'll learn to design your own proprietary tools using MATLAB. The author's experiences provide deep insight into both the business and human side of systematic trading and money management, and his evolution from proprietary trader to fund manager contains valuable lessons for investors at any level.
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Interest Rate Markets - A Practical Approach to Fixed Income
2019-12-21 18:48:18 4.23MB Interest Rate Markets Practical
Microsoft and/or its respective suppliers make no representations about the suitability of the information contained in the documents and related graphics published as part of the services for any purpose. All such documents and related graphics are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. Microsoft and/or its respective suppliers hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with regard to this information, including all warranties and conditions of merchantability, whether express, implied or statutory, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. In no event shall Microsoft and/or its respective suppliers be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of information available from the services.
2019-12-21 18:48:06 21.68MB Financial Markets and Institutions