Node.js in action第二版(英文版) Node.js is anasynchronous, event-driven JavasScript runtime that offers a powerful but consise standard library.
2021-12-22 18:12:53 7.79MB node.js web manning
近年来,自然语言处理中的统计学方法已经逐渐成为主流。本书是一本全面系统地介绍统计自然语言处理技术的专著,被国内外许多所著名大学选为计算语言学相关课程的教材。本书涵盖的内容十分广泛,分为四个部分,共16章,包括了构建自然语言处理软件工具将用到的几乎所有理论和算法。全书的论述过程由浅入深,从数学基础到精确的理论算法,从简单的词法分析到复杂的语法分析,适合不同水平的读者群的需求。同时,本书将理论与实践紧密联系在一起,在介绍理论知识的基础上给出了自然语言处理技术的高层应用(如信息检索等)。在本书的配套网站上提供了许多相关资源和工具,便于读者结合书中习题,在实践中获得提高。 本书不仅适合作为自然语言处理方向的研究生的教材,也非常适合作为自然语言处理相关领域的研究人员和技术人员的参考资料。 近年来,统计自然语言处理(或称统计语言学)异军突起,现已成为自然语言处理研究的主流。 本书是一本全面系统地介绍统计自然语言处理技术的专著,已经被国内外许多所著名大学选为计算语言学相关课程的教材。本书涵盖的内容十分广泛,分为四个部分,共16章,包括了构建自然语言处理软件工具将用到的几乎所有理论和算法。为了方便学生和研究人员建立自己的语言处理系统,本书不仅提供了宽广而精确的数学和语言学理论基础,还详细讨论了统计语言模型,并覆盖了搭配查找、语义消歧、概率分析、信息检索和其他应用。
2021-12-09 21:39:56 7.34MB Christopher D. Manning
原版pdf Summary Xamarin in Action teaches you to build cross-platform mobile apps using Xamarin and C#. You'll explore all the layers of a Xamarin app, from design to deployment. By the end, you'll be able to build a quality, production-ready Xamarin app on iOS and Android from scratch with a high level of code reuse. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Rewriting the same app for iOS and Android is tedious, error-prone, and expensive. Microsoft's Xamarin drastically reduces dev time by reusing most application code—typically 70% or more. The core of your iOS and Android app is shared; you write platform-specific code only for the UI layer. And because Xamarin uses C#, your apps benefit from everything this modern language and the .NET ecosystem have to offer. About the Book Xamarin in Action teaches you to build cross-platform mobile apps using Xamarin and C#. You'll explore all the layers of a Xamarin app, from design to deployment. Xamarin expert Jim Bennett teaches you design practices that maximize code reuse and isolate device-specific code, making it a snap to incorporate the unique features of each OS. What's Inside Understanding MVVM to maximize code reuse and testability Creating cross-platform model and UI logic layers Building device-specific UIs Unit and automated UI testing Preparing apps for publication with user tracking and crash analytics About the Reader Readers should have some experience with C#. Mobile development experience is helpful, but not assumed.
2021-11-08 14:46:17 12.22MB Xamarin manning
2021-10-19 20:11:00 40.33MB aws
Phoenix is a modern web framework built for the Elixir programming language. Elegant, fault-tolerant, and performant, Phoenix is as easy to use as Rails and as rock-solid as Elixir's Erlang-based foundation. Phoenix in Action builds on your existing web dev skills, teaching you the unique benefits of Phoenix along with just enough Elixir to get the job done.
2021-09-01 14:18:24 11.55MB Phoenix
Manning.Grokking.Bitcoin, Manning公司新出的Grokking丛书之三,继算法,深度学习之后的第三本,简单,通俗易懂。 About the Book Grokking Bitcoin explains why Bitcoin's supporters trust it so deeply, and why you can too. This approachable book will introduce you to Bitcoin's groundbreaking technology, which is the key to this world-changing system. This illustrated, easy-to-read guide prepares you for a new way of thinking with easy-to-follow diagrams and exercises. You'll discover how Bitcoin mining works, how to accept Bitcoin, how to participate in the Bitcoin network, and how to set up a digital wallet. What's inside Bitcoin transactions The blockchain Bitcoin mining Bitcoin wallets
2021-08-26 16:05:12 22.49MB bitcoi mannin grokki
Soft Skills The software developer's life manual
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2021-07-08 09:09:33 72.5MB computerscience artificial neural network
里面有两本书 Francois Chollet-Deep Learning with Python-Manning Publications (2017) 和中文版本(2018年翻译)
2021-05-16 22:16:49 24.34MB Deep learnin 深度学习 机器学习
Storm Applied is a practical guide to using Apache Storm for the real-world tasks associated with processing and analyzing real-time data streams. This immediately useful book starts by building a solid foundation of Storm essentials so that you learn how to think about designing Storm solutions the right way from day one. But it quickly dives into real-world case studies that will bring the novice up to speed with productionizing Storm
2021-01-28 04:33:19 7.63MB Storm