1.MTI基本原理 延时线对消器名称来源于早期MTI雷达中使用模拟延时线,这通常用声表面波器件完成。现在即使模拟延时线已被数字内存所取代,但其名称仍保留。 非递归滤波器:单延时线对消器、双延时线对 消器、多次对消器 递归滤波器 :暂态响应比较长,这限制其应用 接收机 相减电路 D/A 数字单延时线对消器雷达方框图 延时线Tr 取绝对值 双极性数字视频 单极性数字视频信号 A/D 至模拟 显示器 数字MTI输出送自动检测和数据处理
2021-12-21 16:20:29 397KB 雷达
Have you ever wondered how your GPS can find the fastest way to your destination, selecting one route from seemingly countless possibilities in mere seconds? How your credit card account number is protected when you make a purchase over the Internet? The answer is algorithms. And how do these mathematical formulations translate themselves into your GPS, your laptop, or your smart phone? This book offers an engagingly written guide to the basics of computer algorithms. In Algorithms Unlocked, Thomas Cormen — coauthor of the leading college textbook on the subject — provides a general explanation, with limited mathematics, of how algorithms enable computers to solve problems. Readers will learn what computer algorithms are, how to describe them, and how to evaluate them. They will discover simple ways to search for information in a computer; methods for rearranging information in a computer into a prescribed order (“sorting”); how to solve basic problems that can be modeled in a computer with a mathematical structure called a “graph” (useful for modeling road networks, dependencies among tasks, and financial relationships); how to solve problems that ask questions about strings of characters such as DNA structures; the basic principles behind cryptography; fundamentals of data compression; and even that there are some problems that no one has figured out how to solve on a computer in a reasonable amount of time.
2021-12-02 16:33:23 2.57MB Algorithms Unlocked MTI
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2021-11-10 15:53:53 22.02MB pascal computer-vision pytorch segmentation
2021-11-03 19:01:22 4.98MB MTI PD 动目标显示 脉冲多普勒
2021-10-22 23:20:36 134.6MB 传感器
2021-09-10 00:26:31 584KB 考研 MTI