预设信息 调色风格:时尚复古色调风格 适合类型:人像,美女,写真,户外等 预设格式:XMP+DNG 资源编号:00174 支持软件:Lightroom Classic CC 7.3及以上,手机版Lightroom ,photoshop
2022-02-25 22:23:58 1.92MB lr预设 复古预设 人像预设 ps预设
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 官方教程
2021-08-22 09:03:13 37.39MB AdobePhotoshop
Since Lightroom 1.0 first launched, Scott’s Kelby’s The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Book for Digital Photographers has been the world’s #1 bestselling Lightroom book (it has been translated into a dozen different languages), and in this latest version for Lightroom 6, Scott uses his same award-winning, step-by-step, plain-English style and layout to make learning Lightroom easy and fun. Scott doesn’t just show you which sliders do what (every Lightroom book will do that). Instead, by using the following three simple, yet brilliant, techniques that make it just an incredible learning tool, this book shows you how to create your own photography workflow using Lightroom: • Throughout the book, Scott shares his own personal settings and studio-tested techniques. Each year he trains thousands of Lightroom users at his live seminars and through that he’s learned what really works, what doesn’t, and he tells you flat out which techniques work best, which to avoid, and why. • The entire book is laid out in a real workflow order with everything step by step, so you can begin using Lightroom like a pro from the start. • What really sets this book apart is the last chapter. This is where Scott dramatically answers his #1 most-asked Lightroom question, which is: “Exactly what order am I supposed to do things in, and where does Photoshop fit in?” You’ll see Scott’s entire start-to-finish Lightroom 6 workflow and learn how to incorporate it into your own workflow. • Plus, this book includes a downloadable collection of some of the hottest Lightroom Develop module presets to give you a bunch of amazing effects with just one click! Scott knows firsthand the challenges today’s digital photographers are facing, and what they want to learn next to make their workflow faster, easier, and more fun. He has incorporated all of that into this major update for Lightroom 6. It’s the first and only book to bring the whole process together in such a clear, concise, and visual way. Plus,
2021-08-12 20:38:58 143.93MB photoshop lightroom CC Digital
Picture Instruments Preset Converter Pro是一款能够转换Lightroom预设的工具。对于专业摄影师来说,好的预设是有助于进行图像编辑的,这款软件就是将预设变成捕获一种方式,在平时有用到的地方还是比较多的。
2021-08-03 09:08:07 23.97MB 转换Lightroom预设工具
2021-07-04 16:00:53 953.17MB LightroomClassi
2021-06-29 20:46:46 2.7MB 调色
2021-06-17 13:27:02 810.43MB lr
Preset Premium v2.3.0 for Android 为 Lightroom 提供高质量预设滤镜效果
2021-06-16 20:00:54 3.76MB PresetPremiumv
这 2000+ 专业的 Lightroom 预置包的目的是使图像中的对象中脱颖而出。 该专业预设给出了一个真棒看看图像使其适合于多个地点,不同的光照条件和各种肤色的照片。 当图像需要颜色的微妙冲未做过于饱和的图像,这 Lightroom 的预设交易将增加更多的活力的形象。 2000 个免费专业 Lightroom 预设资源免费下载2000 个免费专业 Lightroom 预设资源免费下载 2000 多个专业 Lightroom 预设包括: Analog Film Lightroom Presets Artistic Lightroom Preset Avantgarde Lightroom Presets Beach Lightroom Presets Black & White Presets Cinematic Presets Cinematography HDR Presets Cold Glow Lightroom Presets Color Correction Presets Cool Sharp Lightroom Presets Cross Process Effect Lightroom Presets Dark & Monochrome Lightroom Presets Dark and Moody Halloween Presets Dark Tale Lightroom Presets Dark Winter Lightroom Presets Drama Lightroom Presets Dreamy Lightroom Presets Duotone Lightroom Presets Fairy Tale Lightroom Presets Family Lightroom Presets Fantasy Lightroom Preset 如何为 Windows 安装 Lightroom 4、5、6 和 CC 预设: 打开 Lightroom 转到:编辑•首选项•预设 点击标题为:显示 Lightroom 的预设文件夹 双击 Lightroom 双击开发预设 将您的预设文件夹复制到开发预设文件夹中 重新启动 Lightroom 如何为 Mac 安装 Lightroom 4、5、6 和 CC 预设: 打开 Lightroom 转到:编辑•首选项•预设 点击标题为:显示 Lightroom 的预设文件夹 双击 Lightroom 双击开发预设 将您的预设文件夹复制到开发预设文件夹中 重新启动 Lightroom
2021-06-15 09:10:24 2.12MB 2000个免费专业 Lightroom预设资源
点击一个按钮,生成随机黑白或彩色Lightroom预设。 按下按钮,我们的预设松鼠将为您生成一个随机的Lightroom预设,下载并准备安装。 您永远都不知道会得到什么。 我们的松鼠都是高素质的预设学家,都是从最好的松鼠艺术学院中精心挑选的。 他们非常专注于自己的Craft.io,大部分时间都花在坚果实验室里-摆弄滑块以寻找虚幻的“完美预设”。 您所要做的就是在颜色,黑白或老式预设之间进行选择,松鼠将为您工作。 我们的松鼠一直在5.0版本上努力工作,并自豪地宣布了一些很棒的新功能:-键盘快捷键! 使用“ C”(彩色),“ V”(复古)或“ B”(黑白)键即时生成预设(您必须打开Lightroom预设生成器)-更改UI以便甚至生成预设更有趣-修正了一些小错误 支持语言:English (UK)
2021-03-16 14:06:47 1.03MB 照片