IxChariot v7.30 EA SP3官方版(ixchariot是一款应用于网络性能测试的知名检测工具,它拥有强大的控制端和终端模拟操控技术,将两者分别安装在普通pc或者服务器上可以对吞吐量、时延、抖动、丢包、错包等进行网络的综合测评,以详尽的测试报告对定量的数据进行简单合理的分析,使用户合理的把握设备的性能状况。)
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IxChariot v7.30 EA SP3官方版(ixchariot是一款应用于网络性能测试的知名检测工具,它拥有强大的控制端和终端模拟操控技术,将两者分别安装在普通pc或者服务器上可以对吞吐量、时延、抖动、丢包、错包等进行网络的综合测评,以详尽的测试报告对定量的数据进行简单合理的分析,使用户合理的把握设备的性能状况。)
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IxChariot是一个独特的测试工具,也是在应用层性能测试领域得到业界认可的测试系统。对于企业网而言,IxChariot可应用于设备选型、网络建设及验收、日常维护等3个阶段,提供设备网络性能评估、故障定位和SLA基准等服务。 IxChariot由两部分组成:控制端(Console)和远端(Endpoint),两者都可安装在普通PC或者服务器上。 破解文件可能会被一些杀软误报。 本资料共包含以下附件: IxChariot6.7破解版+endpoint.part1.rar IxChariot6.7破解版+endpoint.part2.rar IxChariot6.7破解版+endpoint.part3.rar IxChariot6.7破解版+endpoint.part4.rar
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应用程序脚本使用说明(英文版的,下载个翻译软件凑活还是能看懂的) Application scripts are the key to measuring network performance. They model the real applications you use between computers in a network. IxChariot uses application scripts to make the same API calls to the network protocol stacks that real applications make, causing the protocol stacks to perform the same work involved in sending and receiving data that your applications perform every day. Scripts consist of commands, such as SEND and RECEIVE, and script variables, such as the size of the buffer and the type of data in each SEND, which produce different data flows on the network. You can alter the parameters and variables that control script commands and thus customize the scripts you use in testing and monitoring. This manual details each script’s components, script commands, and script variables. It also lists and describes all the scripts that ship with IxChariot, all of which are also available free on the Ixia Web site. Application scripts are generally independent of the network protocol. This means the same script can be used with any network protocol supported by the Performance Endpoints you’re using. One group of the scripts, called streaming scripts, requires a datagram (connectionless) protocol, such as IPX, RTP, or UDP. These scripts are discussed separately below