简单的HFSS和Matlab联合仿真 需要安装api工具箱 提供初学者下载 谢谢
2019-12-21 20:26:52 5KB HFSS Matlab
Hfss-Matlab-Api 数据包主要是由 Vijay Ramasami 编写的,具有很重要的工程应用价值,因为除了这个脚本之外,仅仅使用 Hfss 自带建模模块,是没办法实现对复杂对象建模的,例如渐变缝隙天线或者其他的某些喇叭形口径等复杂天线,或者其它复杂的微波器件且该脚本具有错误检查能力。
2019-12-21 18:49:59 155KB Hfss matlab api
HFSS-MATLAB-API is a library toolbox to control Ansoft HFSS from MATLAB using the HFSS Scripting Interface. This tool provides a set of MATLAB functions to create 3D objects in HFSS by generating the required HFSS Scripts. Basically, anything that can be done in HFSS user interface and the 3D Modeler can be done with this library of functions. Once a script is generated in this manner, it can be run in HFSS to generate the 3D model, solve it and export the data. You create your entire design in MATLAB and basically use HFSS to solve it.
2009-09-10 00:00:00 98KB HFSS MATLAB SCRIPTING API