Memory Barriers: a Hardware View for Software Hackers 讲解内存屏障的好论文,推荐!
2023-02-26 18:38:23 281KB barrie memory
There are several books about hardware verification, so what makes this book different? Put simply, this book is meant to be useful in your day-to-day work—which is why we refer to it throughout as a handbook. The authors are like you, cube dwellers, with battle scars from developing chips. We must cope with impossible schedules, a shortage of people to do the work, and constantly mutating hardware specifications. We subtitled this book An Object-Oriented Framework because a major theme of the book is how to use object-oriented programming (OOP) to do verification well. We focus on real-world examples, bloopers, and code snippets. Sure, we talk about programming theory, but the theme of this book is how to write simpler, adaptable, reusable code. We focus mainly on OOP techniques because we feel that this is the best way to manage the ever-increasing complexity of verification. We back this up with open-source Verification Intellectual Property (VIP), several complete test systems, and scripts to run them.
2023-02-05 21:45:12 3.48MB Verification SystemVerilog
The LRM of Hardware Description Language - Verilog, for digital electronics circuit design
2023-01-13 11:00:57 6.2MB verilog LRM
SHE(The Secure Hardware Extension),一个片上( on-chip)扩展的硬件安全模块,为了将秘钥的控制从软件转移到硬件,从而保护秘钥免受来自软件的攻击的硬件安全方案。
2023-01-09 09:57:07 1.51MB SHE HSM 硬件安全扩展
BioAmp EXG药丸 BioAmp EXG Pill是一个小巧的(2.54 X 1.00 cm)小巧的模拟前端(AFE)板,用于BioPotential信号采集,您可以将其与任何带有ADC的5v微控制器单元(MCU)一起使用。 它能够记录出版物级的生物电势信号,例如ECG,EMG,EOG和EEG,而无需包含任何专用的硬件/软件过滤器,有关更多信息,请参见。 硬件 正面 后退 方面 原理图 许可事实 OSHWA认证 执照 硬件 CERN开放式硬件许可证版本2-强互惠( CERN-OHL-S-2.0 )。 软件 MIT开源许可证。 说明文件: 这项工作是根据知识共享署名4.0国际许可获得许可的。
2022-12-30 19:50:36 8.43MB board hardware biology eeg
用于Node.JS的USB库用于与JavaScript / CoffeeScript中的USB设备进行通信的Node.JS库。 这是Christopher Klein的node-usb的重构/重写。 该API不兼容(希望您找到它是Node.JS的USB USB库,用于与JavaScript / CoffeeScript中的USB设备进行通信的Node.JS库。这是Christopher Klein的node-usb的重构/重写。该API不兼容(希望您会发现它有所改进。)它完全基于libusb的异步API以提高效率,并提供用于连续流传输数据或事件的流API。安装Libusb作为子模块提供。在Linux上,您需要libudev进行构建libusb。在Ubuntu / Debian上:sudo a
2022-12-08 13:40:01 51KB Node.js Hardware
官方的芯片资料,最权威,官方手册 开发必备的资料文档
2022-11-25 20:09:23 827KB 7511
计算机组成原理 硬件与接口 答案 Computer.Organization.and.Design The.Hardware.Software.Interface Manual
注意:此版本仅适用于MATLAB版本R2018b。 对于 MATLAB R2018a,请在此处使用此文件: 对于 MATLAB R2019a 及更高版本,请在此处使用此文件: 该软件包包括 MATLAB 和 Simulink 文件,允许用户与 Arduino 工程套件中使用的传感器和执行器进行通信并对其进行控制,其中大部分通过 MKR Motor Carrier 连接。 这包括:
2022-11-12 07:16:32 12.14MB matlab
BMS的软硬件设计方案,内含1. GUI软件安装文件;2. 原理图及PCB文件;3. 完整用户手册
2022-11-07 18:06:24 9.17MB software BMSPCB hardware BMS方案