2021-05-22 16:03:10 1.35MB 行业
使用weblogic12c发布jax-ws的webservice服务端,启动时报错“metro-default.xml not fund ”百度了很长时间,方案都不能解决问题,后来goole了一下,参考了一个网页,非常管用,考虑到google有些同学没法访问,特地上传一下相关配置文件。
2020-01-03 11:21:47 1KB Weblogic12c Jax-ws metro
Digital Fundamentals 10th Ed (Solutions)- Floyd 数字电子技术课本答案
2019-12-21 21:32:43 4.91MB 数字电子技术 课后答案 Digital Fund
"What Hedge Funds Really Do" provides a needed complement to journalistic accounts of the hedge fund industry, to deepen the understanding of nonspecialist readers such as policy makers, journalists, and individual investors. The book is organized in modules to allow different readers to focus on the elements of this topic that most interest them. Its authors include a fund practitioner and a computer scientist (Balch), in collaboration with a public policy economist and finance academic (Romero).
2019-12-21 18:57:40 2.01MB Hedge Fund Portofolio