Matlab 求解偏微分的代码Heat 和 Black-Scholes 偏微分方程的有限差分法的 MATLAB 和 Python 实现 这些代码实现了有限差分法的数值方法来求解 Heat PDE 和 Black-Scholes PDE。 具体而言,Black-Scholes PDE 的代码旨在为普通期权定价,例如欧洲和美国的看涨和看跌期权。 该算法在 Python 和 MATLAB 中实现,Python 代码属于面向对象学科,使用 Numpy 处理矩阵。 此外,Python 和 MATLAB 代码都允许用户编写自己的函数,将其放入代码中以设置有限差分网格的边界条件。 该代码提供了示例用户生成函数,用于为 Python 代码和 MATLAB 代码设置边界条件。 Python 对象还在 Python 类中实现了特殊方法,以使其可切片( __getitem__() )和可打印( __repr__() ) 请在 README.pdf 文件中找到详细的数学解释,因为 Github 不支持 Latex 公式。 作者:鲁瑞南 参考: [1]Brandimarte P. 金融经济学中的数值方法:基于M
2023-02-16 22:38:21 1.55MB 系统开源
什么是交易II? deal.II是一个C ++程序库,旨在使用自适应有限元解决偏微分方程的计算问题。 它使用最先进的编程技术,为您提供所需的复杂数据结构和算法的现代化接口。 对于急躁的人: 假设您已经将.tar.gz文件解压缩到目录/ path / to / dealii / sources中。 然后使用以下命令配置,编译和安装deal.II库: $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/where/dealii/should/be/installed/to /path/to/dealii/sources $ make install (alternatively $ make -j install) $ make test 要从存储库进行构建,请首先执行以下命令: $ git clone
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Representation Theory of Finite Groups
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Spectral Finite Element (SFE) 源代码, wave propagation
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Introduction to Finite and Spectral Element Methods Using MATLAB®Second Edition This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint.
2022-12-08 16:19:17 1.82MB Matlab 有限元 谱元法 微分方程数值解法
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Review This book addresses some of the current important issues, both positive and negative, related to MFree methods, which should prove beneficial to researchers, engineers, and students who are interested in venturing into this area of research. This book provides systematic steps that lead the reader to understand mesh free methods; how they work; how to use and develop a mesh free method, as well as … the problems associated with element free methods. … This is the first book published that comprehensively covers MFree methods.
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Devito:基于符号规范的快速模板计算 是一个Python软件包,用于根据高级符号问题定义实施优化的模具计算(例如,有限差分,图像处理,机器学习)。 Devito建立在基础上,并采用自动代码生成和即时编译功能,以在包括CPU,GPU及其集群在内的多个计算机平台上执行优化的计算内核。 交互式Jupyter笔记本 关于德维托 Devito提供了一种功能语言,用于实现复杂的运算符,该运算符可以由多个模板计算,边界条件,稀疏运算(例如插值)等组成。 典型的用例是用于逼近偏微分方程的显式有限差分方法。 例如,可以使用Devito来实现2D扩散算子,如下所示 >> > grid = Grid ( shape = ( 10 , 10 )) >> > f = TimeFunction ( name = 'f' , grid = grid , space_order = 2 ) >> > eqn =
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