This book gives an excellent introduction to fluid dynamics First published in 1967, Professor Batchelor's classic work is still one of the foremost texts on fluid dynamics. His careful presentation of the underlying theories of fluids is still timely and applicable, even in these days of almost limitless computer power. This reissue ensures that a new generation of graduate students experiences the elegance of Professor Batchelor's writing. ... many interesting and important photographs of fluid flows are included in order to help the students who do not have an opportunity of observing flow phenomena in a laboratory. The book also contains exercises at the end of each chapter. In comparison with many currently available books, I find this book by Batchelor especially stimulating and useful for students of applied mathematics and engineering.' L. Debnath, Zentralblatt MATH
2022-11-13 14:31:59 7.42MB Fluid Dynamics 流体力学
多组分流程代码(MFC) 欢迎使用MFC! MFC是用于多组分,多相和气泡流的完整文档并行仿真软件。 作者 MFC是由一群博士后科学家和研究生在Tim Tech Colonius的指导下在加州理工学院开发的。 这些贡献者包括: Spencer Bryngelson博士 凯文·施密德迈尔博士 Vedran Coralic博士 孟若梅博士 前田一树博士 并且他们的联系信息位于源代码的AUTHORS文件中。 文献资料 记录了以下代码,请单击链接查看其Doxygen: 用户手册 包含用户指南 MFC纸 描述MFC功能的文件: 相关刊物 一些出版物已在MFC的各个开发阶段使用了MFC。 这里包括部分清单。 参考期刊出版物: K. Schmidmayer,SH Bryngelson,T。Colonius(2020)计算物理杂志,第1卷。 402,109080 SH Bryngelson,K
pdf原版,非扫描. The material in this book is based on lecture notes of a course on astrophysical fluid dynamics which has been given for several years to third-year students at the University of Cambridge. There are several excellent books which cover fluid dynamics from a terrestrial standpoint, but very few provide a full introduction to the concepts and methods used to deal with the highly compressible flows which arise in astrophysical contexts. Our aim with this book is to provide just such an introduction, and we hope that it will also serve as a reference volume for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Several people have provided input at various stages of the preparation of this book. In particular we thank Jim Pringle, Donald Lynden- Bell and Giuseppe Lodato for their help. We are also grateful to the students who have taken the course at Cambridge for correcting typographical errors in the lecture notes, drawing our attention to parts where the description was less clear than it should have been, and helping us to develop the exercises.
2022-09-15 22:27:04 1.77MB Fluid Dynamics 流体力学
2022-08-12 21:05:22 20.11MB 人工智能 抠图
2022-08-07 21:48:03 43.39MB FLUID
An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics
2022-07-27 20:33:06 7.42MB CFD
Obi 是一款基于粒子的高级物理引擎,可模拟各种可变形材料的行为。 如果有 Burst、Jobs、Collections 和 Mathematics 资源包。它可以兼容所有 Burst 可以编译的平台。如果没有这些资源包,它仍可以运行,但仅限于 Windows、Mac、Linux、iOS 和 Android 平台。 Obi Fluid 可以让你轻松创作全多线程 3A 品质液体模拟。液体可以相互间反应,也可以影响刚体或被影响(还可以让刚体上浮或下沉!),还能贴住表面。 警告:请注意流体模拟是一项非常艰巨的任务。使用前请留意它的性能影响。 用途: - 小规模流体模拟 - 2D 流体游戏机制 - 液滴 - 飞溅特效 不可用于: - 大规模流体模拟 - 水池、海洋、湖泊、洪水 所有物理属性和液体都可以调整:黏度、密度、表面张力、粘性、旋量等 功能: - 自定义发射器形状。 - 双向刚体交互。 - 模块化解算器:不浪费性能,所有参数都可以公开。 - 可调解算器迭代计数。 - 每个粒子的属性:表面张力、涡度、浮力...。 - 使用单个参数即可轻松调整粒子分辨率。 - 支持在同一模拟中
2022-06-30 20:06:16 121B unity
Obi Fluid 6.4 插件是一款基于粒子的流体效果插件,可以方便的模拟各种水体效果。可以直接使用该插件来制作出水流水面等效果。 unity要求最低版本2019.4.30,亲测2019.4.32可用,支持URP.
2022-06-17 09:11:43 12.75MB unity3d
Obi Fluid 6.3 插件是一款基于粒子的流体效果插件,可以方便的模拟各种水体效果。可以直接使用该插件来制作出水流水面等效果。
2022-06-17 09:11:42 12.72MB unity3d
Fluid是基于Hexo框架开发的一款Material Design风格的主题。 该主题相较于其他主题的优势: 1、优雅的颜值,使用Material Design风格突出层次感,但又不失简约,让用户能专注于写作; 2、提供大量定制化配置项,使每个用户使用该主题都能具有独特的样式; 3、