2021-12-31 13:01:23 1.09MB
非常经典的PID书,并有tuning 方法介绍,比国内书好多了!!!
2021-12-01 23:13:50 13.45MB pid tune
php_mongo for wampserver2.2e-php5.3.13-httpd2.2.22-mysql5.5.24-x64 这个东西找的辛苦,又是X86,X64;又是 VC版本,又是线程安全,浪费了半天时间才找对。放到此处,方便与我同样辛苦的同学们。 此为 VC9,X64,包含线程安全与不安全2个版本。 php_mongo-1.4.2-5.3-vc9-nts-x86_64.dll php_mongo-1.4.2-5.3-vc9-x86_64.dll 需要的人自取。
2021-11-30 23:06:46 200KB php_mongo wampserver
非常好的量化基础参考书,复习面试好帮手。 注意是第二版哦!
2021-11-30 11:59:18 13.39MB FE Data Stat
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2021-11-19 12:08:22 1.51MB LaTeX LaTeX2e TeX 教程
Nerual Network Design (2nd Edition) Content Ch 2 Neuron Model and Network Architectures Ch 3 An Illustrative Example Ch 4 Perceptron Learning Rule Ch 5 Signal and Weight Vector Spaces Ch 6 Linear Transformations for Neural Networks Ch 7 Supervised Hebbian Learning Ch 8 Performance Surfaces and Optimum Points Ch 9 Performance Optimization Ch 10 Widrow-Hoff Learning Ch 11 Backpropagation Ch 12 Variations on Backpropagation Ch 13 Generalization Ch 14 Dynamic Networks Ch 15 Associative Learning Ch 16 Competitive Networks Ch 17 Radial Basis Networks Ch 18 Grossberg Network Ch 19 Adaptive Resonance Theory Ch 20 Stability Ch 21 Hopfield Network Ch 22 Practical Training Issues Ch 23 Case Study 1:Function Approximation Ch 24 Case Study 2:Probability Estimation Ch 25 Case Study 3:Pattern Recognition Ch 26 Case Study 4: Clustering Ch 27 Case Study 5: Prediction
2021-11-18 15:32:31 11.27MB Nerual Network Design; 2E
2021-11-09 10:41:02 3.12MB USB CAN 驱动 2E
Exploring BeagleBone: Tools and Techniques for Building with Embedded Linux By 作者: Derek Molloy ISBN-10 书号: 1119533163 ISBN-13 书号: 9781119533160 Edition 版本: 2 出版日期: 2019-01-07 pages 页数: (782) Contents at a Glance Part I Beagle Board Basics 1 Chapter 1 The Beagle Hardware Platform 3 Chapter 2 Beagle Software 31 Chapter 3 Exploring Embedded Linux Systems 71 Chapter 4 Interfacing Electronics 139 Chapter 5 Practical Beagle Board Programming 185 Part II Interfacing, Controlling, and Communicating 245 Chapter 6 Interfacing to the Beagle Board Input/Outputs 247 Chapter 7 Cross-Compilation, Eclipse, and Building Linux 307 Chapter 8 Interfacing to the Beagle Board Buses 341 Chapter 9 Interacting with the Physical Environment 401 Chapter 10 Real-Time Interfacing Using External Slave Processors 455 Part III Advanced Beagle Board Systems 495 Chapter 11 The Internet of Things 497 Chapter 12 Wireless Communication and Control 555 Chapter 13 Beagle Board with a Rich User Interface 599 Chapter 14 Images, Video, and Audio 643 Chapter 15 Real-Time Interfacing with the PRU-ICSS 673 Chapter 16 Embedded Kernel Programming 717
2021-11-07 15:47:29 30.38MB Hardware,Li
2021-10-21 21:08:13 22KB 2e 112
dissecting MFC 2e 繁中版,MFC入門的經典教材
2021-10-21 00:49:17 13.78MB MFC C++ VisualC++