Altova XMLSpy 2023 - Enterprise XML Editor evaluation key code
2023-12-07 11:54:30 658B xml
目录 一.EA简介 二.创建新项目 三.EA软件配置 四.用例图,类图的使用 五.其他图形的使用 六.数据建模 七.代码工程 .....
2023-11-06 15:39:16 3.21MB Architect EA教程
SQLyog 是业界著名的 Webyog 公司出品的一款简洁高效、功能强大的图形化 MySQL 数据库管理工具。使用 SQLyog 可以快速直观地让您从世界的任何角落通过网络来维护远端的 MySQL 数据库。 SQLyog 相比其它类似的 MySQL 数据库管理工具其有如下特点: 1、基于C++和MySQL API编程; 2、方便快捷的数据库同步与数据库结构同步工具; 3、易用的数据库、数据表备份与还原功能; 4、支持导入与导出XML、HTML、CSV等多种格式的数据; 5、直接运行批量 SQL 脚本文件,速度极快; 6. 智能SQL语句自动完成功能; ...... 此汉化基于企业零售版,拥有免费版和专业版所没有的专业组件(如:数据迁移、数据同步、通知服务、自动完成功能等),是 MySQL DBA 的必备工具
2023-10-29 23:18:24 9.79MB SQLyog Enterprise 中文 破解版
MagicDraw UML Enterprise 16.8 32bit破解补丁
2023-10-24 17:46:17 788KB MagicDraw UML Enterprise 16.8
DELPHI 7、DELPHI XE、DELPHI 11均可安装使用 FastReport 2022-3 VCL Enterprise Source源码。内附安装说明。 详见“安装步骤.txt”
2023-10-23 20:49:45 38.15MB Fastreport Delphi Source VCL
Hands-On Enterprise Automation with Python: Automate common administrative and security tasks with the most popular language Python Invent your own Python scripts to automate your infrastructure Hands-On Enterprise Automation with Python starts by covering the set up of a Python environment to perform automation tasks, as well as the modules, libraries, and tools you will be using. We’ll explore examples of network automation tasks using simple Python programs and Ansible. Next, we will walk you through automating administration tasks with Python Fabric, where you will learn to perform server configuration and administration, along with system administration tasks such as user management, database management, and process management. As you progress through this book, you’ll automate several testing services with Python scripts and perform automation tasks on virtual machines and cloud infrastructure with Python. In the concluding chapters, you will cover Python-based offensive security tools and learn how to automate your security tasks. By the end of this book, you will have mastered the skills of automating several system administration tasks with Python. What You Will Learn Understand common automation modules used in Python Develop Python scripts to manage network devices Automate common Linux administration tasks with Ansible and Fabric Managing Linux processes Administrate VMware, OpenStack, and AWS instances with Python Security automation and sharing code on GitHub
2023-10-11 06:02:07 12.85MB 企业自动化 python ansible fabric
一款很受欢迎的虚拟内存盘软件,我只用过x86版。感觉比常见的ramdisk好用一些。 在我的机子上看来,因为内存盘用来做存放临时文件的盘,故文件一般都比较小,所以我觉得重点应该看4K读写时的性能。这样看来QSOFT RAMDISK确实比gavotte RAMDISK性能好一些。
2023-07-14 22:52:42 586KB Qsoft ramdisk 测评 x86
GE Proficy Open Enterprise软件zip,来自于G E 智能平台的P r o f i c y * O p e n Enterprise 是一款强大的应用软件,它能通过ISA-95 和B2MML 标准将ERP 连接到Proficy解决方案的套件,交互有价值的信息。该软件允许企业层的决策者利用实时生产过程信息——提高了可视性和最佳商业决策的洞察力。
2023-06-27 12:32:48 1.12MB 产品样本
2023-06-27 10:53:33 5.02MB 系统性能 优化
FastReport 2022-3 VCL Enterprise
2023-05-16 08:41:29 25.79MB FastReport 2022