在许多应用中都需要增强彩色图像的细节。 锐化蒙版(UM)是用于细节增强的最经典工具。 已经提出了许多通用的UM方法,例如,有理UM技术,三次模糊技术,自适应UM技术等。 对于彩色图像,这些算法分三个步骤:a)实施color2grey步骤; b)基于亮度分量(LC)设计高频信息(HFI)提取方法; c)利用HFI完成增强过程。 但是,仅使用LC的HFI可能会丢失色度分量(CC)的HFI。 提出了一种基于四元数的细节增强算法,既利用亮度又利用CC来提取彩色图像的细节。 设计该算法以解决三个任务:1)设计基于3Dvector旋转的四元数描述的彩色高频信息(CHFI)提取方法; 2)执行CHFI和灰色高频信息(GHFI)的有效融合策略; 3)设计了基于四元数的局部动态范围的测量方法,基于该方法可以确定所提出算法的增强系数。 该算法的性能优于其他许多类似的增强算法。可以调整八个参数以控制清晰度,以产生所需的结果,从而使该算法具有实用价值。
2022-08-02 01:17:07 1.33MB Color texture; image enhancement;
Title: Speech Enhancement: Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition Author: Philipos C. Loizou Length: 711 pages Edition: 2 Language: English Publisher: CRC Press Publication Date: 2013-02-25 ISBN-10: 1466504218 ISBN-13: 9781466504219 With the proliferation of mobile devices and hearing devices, including hearing aids and cochlear implants, there is a growing and pressing need to design algorithms that can improve speech intelligibility without sacrificing quality. Responding to this need, Speech Enhancement: Theory and Practice, Second Edition introduces readers to the basic problems of speech enhancement and the various algorithms proposed to solve these problems. Updated and expanded, this second edition of the bestselling textbook broadens its scope to include evaluation measures and enhancement algorithms aimed at improving speech intelligibility. Fundamentals, Algorithms, Evaluation, and Future Steps Organized into four parts, the book begins with a review of the fundamentals needed to understand and design better speech enhancement algorithms. The second part describes all the major enhancement algorithms and, because these require an estimate of the noise spectrum, also covers noise estimation algorithms. The third part of the book looks at the measures used to assess the performance, in terms of speech quality and intelligibility, of speech enhancement methods. It also evaluates and compares several of the algorithms. The fourth part presents binary mask algorithms for improving speech intelligibility under ideal conditions. In addition, it suggests steps that can be taken to realize the full potential of these algorithms under realistic conditions. What’s New in This Edition Updates in every chapter A new chapter on objective speech intelligibility measures A new chapter on algorithms for improving speech intelligibility Real-world noise recordings (on accompanying CD) MATLAB® code for the implementation of intelligibility measures (on accompanying CD) MATLAB and C/C++ code for the implementation of algorithms to improve speech intelligibility (on accompanying CD) Valuable Insights from a Pioneer in Speech Enhancement Clear and concise, this book explores how human listeners compensate for acoustic noise in noisy environments. Written by a pioneer in speech enhancement and noise reduction in cochlear implants, it is an essential resource for anyone who wants to implement or incorporate the latest speech enhancement algorithms to improve the quality and intelligibility of speech degraded by noise. Includes a CD with Code and Recordings The accompanying CD provides MATLAB implementations of representative speech enhancement algorithms as well as speech and noise databases for the evaluation of enhancement algorithms. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Discrete-Time Signal Processing and Short-Time Fourier Analysis Chapter 3 Speech Production and Perception Chapter 4 Noise Compensation by Human Listeners Chapter 5 Spectral-Subtractive Algorithms Chapter 6 Wiener Filtering Chapter 7 Statistical-Model-Based Methods Chapter 8 Subspace Algorithms Chapter 9 Noise-Estimation Algorithms Chapter 10 Evaluating Performance of Speech Enhancement Algorithms Chapter 11 Objective Quality and Intelligibility Measures Chapter 12 Comparison of Speech Enhancement Algorithms Chapter 13 Algorithms That Can Improve Speech Intelligibility Appendix A: Special Functions and Integrals Appendix B: Derivation of the MMSE Estimator Appendix C: MATLAB ® Code and Speech/Noise Databases
2022-07-17 22:40:55 17.51MB Speech Enhancement
图像处理课件:enhancement 图像增强.ppt
2022-07-05 09:10:49 4.38MB 图像处理
【插件简介】 Neural Enhancement Suite是一款基于人工智能AI,可以在AE中对视频进行降噪、视频上色、锐化、弱光亮度提升等操作 Neural Enhancement Suite is an A.I. powered toolset for AI-based video enhancement to achieve results not previously possible in After Effects.
2022-06-10 09:10:17 48.56MB AE 视频处理 图像处理 影视后期
17CVPR_CODE_Learning Dynamic Guidance for Depth Image Enhancement 17 cvpr 代码
2022-05-23 12:09:08 37.6MB Deep CNN Denoiser Prior
2022-05-22 20:32:18 556KB Multi-level image fusion
使用UNET增强语音 塞萨洛尼基亚里斯多德大学-电气和计算机工程 课程:音频和视频技术 作者: , , , 该存储库包含音频和视频技术课程的作业。 目的是要了解深度学习的分支并将其应用于人类语音的去噪问题。 数据集 使用的数据集是 (Microsoft可缩放的嘈杂语音数据库)。 借助其提供的功能,并在选择了特定类型的噪声之后,将它们与各种SNR比率(0 dB,5 dB,10 dB,15 dB,20 dB)的清晰语音信号混合,从而总共得到4种噪声。小时的训练集和30分钟的测试集已创建。 可以在s01_CreateWAVs.py文件中找到此过程。 在Dataset_MS_SNSD和Dataset_My_Wavs文件夹中,有一些屏幕截图,显示了如何将音频文件放置在原始和最终集中。 网络 可以在s03_InitializeModel.py文件中找到使用的模型,并可以在下图中看到它: 请注意
2022-05-17 04:41:59 139.29MB Python
Speech enhancement based on adaptive wavelet denoising on multitaper spectrum matlab
2022-04-29 18:07:24 1.82MB 源码软件 matlab
单一水下图像增强和色彩还原 这是python实施的综合评论文章“用于水下成像的图像增强和图像恢复方法的基于实验的评论” 抽象的! 水下图像在海洋勘探中起着关键作用,但由于光在水介质中的吸收和散射,经常会遭受严重的质量下降。 尽管近来在图像增强和恢复的一般领域中已经取得了重大突破,但是还没有特别关注用于改善水下图像质量的新方法的适用性。 在本文中,我们回顾了解决典型水下图像损伤(包括一些极端退化和变形)的图像增强和恢复方法。 首先,我们根据水下图像形成模型(IFM)介绍了水下图像质量下降的主要原因。 然后,我们回顾了水下修复方法,同时考虑了无IFM和基于IFM的方法。 接下来,我们将结合主观和客观分析,同时考虑基于IFM的方法的基于先验的参数估计算法,从而对基于IFM的最新方法和基于IFM的方法进行基于实验的比较评估。 从这项研究开始,我们将查明现有方法的主要缺点,并为该领域的未来研究提出
2022-04-14 10:43:23 4.07MB Python
动态随机共振(DSR)是一种用于增强暗和低对比度图像的独特技术。 噪声对于基于DSR的图像增强来说是必需的,并且噪声水平会与亮度同时增大,这会大大降低增强图像的感知质量,并且还会增加后续降噪的难度,因为去除高水平的噪声通常会导致严重的噪声损失。图片细节。 本文提出在增强过程中逐步消除噪声,而不是在增强过程完成后消除噪声。我们首先在变分框架中重写了基于传统偏微分方程(PDE)的DSR模型,然后提出一种用于图像增强的新颖的总变化正则化(TV)DSR方法。 从理论上证明了TV正则化DSR模型解的存在性和唯一性。 此外,我们分别在变体框架和PDE框架中推广了电视正则化DSR模型,因此我们可以将更多现有的去噪方法纳入我们的方法中。 数值比较表明,所提出的技术在对比度和亮度增强以及噪声抑制方面具有显着的性能,因此可以获得具有良好感知质量的增强图像。
2022-04-07 19:13:03 1.37MB Image enhancement Image denoising Dynamic stochastic