Henry Stark版的概率论,数理统计和随机过程,英文版,通信工程,电子电气工程基础课
2022-08-25 03:05:46 7.51MB 概率 随机
大學生必備機率聖經 擁有它就不必花3百多買書
2022-08-13 18:55:22 6MB Probability & Statistics
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2022-05-25 23:15:35 96KB python aci sdn network-engineers
Design of Experiments for Engineers and Scientists Second Edition Design of Experiments (DOE) is a powerful technique used for both exploring new processes and gaining increased knowledge of existing processes, followed by optimising these processes for achieving world-class performance. My involvement in promoting and training in the use of DOE dates back to the mid-1990s. There are plenty of books available in the market today on this subject written by classic statisticians, although the majority of them are better suited to other statisticians than to run-of-the-mill industrial engineers and business managers with limited mathematical and statistical skills. DOE never has been a favourite technique for many of today’s engineers and managers in organisations due to the number crunching involved and the statistical jargon incorporated into the teaching mode by many statisticians. This book is targeted to people who have either been intimidated by their attempts to learn about DOE or who have never appreciated the true potential of DOE for achieving breakthrough improvements in product quality and process efficiency. This book gives a solid introduction to the technique through a myriad of practical examples and case studies. The second edition of the book has incorporated two new chapters and both cover the latest developments on the topic of DOE. Readers of this book will develop a sound understanding of the theory of DOE and practical aspects of how to design, analyse and interpret the results of a designed experiment. Throughout this book, the emphasis is on the simple but powerful graphical tools available for data analysis and interpretation. All of the graphs and figures in this book were created using Minitab version 15.0 for Windows. I sincerely hope that practising industrial engineers and managers as well as researchers in academic world will find this book useful in learning how to apply DOE in their own work environment. The book will also be a useful resource for people involved in Six Sigma training and projects related to design optimisation and process performance improvements. In fact, I have personally observed that the number of applications of DOE in non-manufacturing sectors has increased significantly because of the methodology taught to Six Sigma professionals such as Six Sigma Green Belts and Black Belts. The second edition has a chapter dedicated to DOE for non-manufacturing processes. As a mechanical engineer, I was not convinced about the application of DOE in the context of the service industry and public sector organisations including Higher Education. I have included a simple case study showing the power of DOE in a university setting. I firmly believe that DOE can be applied to any industrial setting, although there will be more challenges and barriers in the non-manufacturing sector compared to traditional manufacturing companies. I hope that this book inspires readers to get into the habit of applying DOE for problem-solving and process troubleshooting. I strongly recommend that readers of this book continue on a more advanced reference to learn about topics which are not covered here. I am indebted to many contributors and gurus for the development of various experimental design techniques, especially Sir Ronald Fisher, Plackett and Burman, Professor George Box, Professor Douglas Montgomery, Dr Genichi Taguchi and Dr Dorian Shainin.
2022-04-25 10:25:51 8.5MB Elsevier
CUDA for Engineers An Introduction to High-Performance Parallel Computing 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2022-04-07 13:17:45 7.42MB CUDA Engineers Introduction Parallel
2022-03-28 10:30:14 11.58MB math 数学工具书 公式
自动控制 多学科视角(中文版)Feedback Sysytems An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers自动控制 多学科视角(中文版)Feedback Sysytems An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers自动控制 多学科视角(中文版)Feedback Sysytems An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers
2022-03-27 23:09:13 33.33MB 自动控制
2022-03-21 13:58:06 19.07MB 工程矢量力学 VME part3
Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes for Engineers - Solution Manual , First Edition John A. Gubner
2022-03-10 17:49:53 1.49MB Solution Manual
译序 邢树军 有这么一个故事: 在非洲草原上,有一种不起眼的动物叫吸血蝙蝠。它身体极小,却是野马的天敌。这种 蝙蝠靠吸动物的血生存,它在攻击野马时,常附在马腿上,用锋利的牙齿极敏捷地刺破野马 的腿,然后用尖尖的嘴吸血。无论野马怎样蹦跳、狂奔,都无法驱逐这种蝙蝠。蝙蝠却可以 从容地吸附在野马身上,落在野马头上,直到吸饱吸足,才满意地飞去。而野马常常在暴怒、 狂奔、流血中无可奈何地死去。 动物学家在分析这一问题时,一致认为吸血蝙蝠所吸的血量是微不足道的,远不会让野 马死去,野马的死亡是它暴怒的习性和狂奔所致。 这个故事与MATLAB 似乎没有任何的联系。编程初学者习惯于接到问题,就想在计算 机编出好的程序来,而且要求没有错误。这是不可能的,时间一长就会像这只马一样变得暴 怒,从而失去对编程的兴趣。所以,我翻译的这本书要求我们养成良好的编程习惯,强调自 上而下的编程方法。希望读者能够理解这个方法。 自上而下的编程方法,不仅适用于编程,而且适用于我们做事。具体步骤为 (1)首先对你所面临的问题进行精确描述,即你遇到的到底是什么问题 (2)定义输入输出量,即我们的目的和现有的条件 (3)设计算法,逐层分解,逐步求精,这是做事谋的一个过程,大部分人做事出错就 出在这个地方,懒得到逐层分解,逐步求精,总是妄想一步登天。 (4)把算法转化为MATLAB 语言,这一步是踏踏实实做的过程,没有这一步你什么 也做不成。 (5)检测程序,我们做的东西是否正确,不正确检测错误。这一步是需要耐心的,不 要怕错误,每一次检测都会让你提高。做事时,不要因一些错误而畏缩不前。 在翻译的过程中,有很多的时侯都想放弃。有时也想不干了,但是每当这时,我就会找 个人聊天,然后去思考,我遇到的问题是什么?是没有方法,还有心浮气躁。而多半的原因 是因为后者,就像那匹马一样,因小事而丢了“性命”。于是,我翻译这本书,最大的收获 是自上而下的编程方法。
2022-03-09 19:09:57 4.86MB matlab