Kaggle event 推荐比赛及解答思路。 Event Recommendation Engine Challenge:预测用户是否会对某个活动感兴趣,based on events they've responded to in the past user demographic information what events they've seen and clicked on in our app 简单解决方案: 1.数据清洗与预处理 2.构建特征(包括协同过滤推荐度等复杂特征) 3.建模 4.生成提交的测试结果
2022-12-29 20:09:24 601KB kaggle 推荐系统 推荐比赛
qPainter_event_test1.rar 》》QR绘图事件的练习代码,建议配合文章查看
2022-12-12 09:22:27 6KB qt 学习
C# Event Bus Demo C# 事件总线实例 非常简单的事件总线实例,学习入门的基础
2022-11-28 19:21:33 24KB Event
android event bus app
2022-11-25 09:20:11 270KB android
解决COM+ Event System服务缺失,以及无法启动COM+ System Application服务问题,直接双击安装后重启启动系统即可
2022-11-20 21:43:07 2KB COM+服务
This is the survey for 3D Reconstruction using Event Camera
2022-10-23 16:05:54 2.59MB EventCamera
Monocular Event Visual Inertial Odometry based on Event-corner using Sliding Windows Graph-based Optimization 基于事件相机的单目视觉惯性里程计
2022-10-23 09:07:33 2.28MB EventCamera
Added support for Asynchronous Event Notification through ioctls for 3DM.
2022-09-23 17:01:49 22KB event
Upon receiving a device removal event, users must destroy the associated RDMA identifier and release all resources allocated with the device.
2022-09-23 17:01:24 4KB event
Triggers transfers, usually a hardware event but also manually or by chaining DMA completions. Each channel is coupled to a Parameter RAM (PaRAM) slot.
2022-09-23 17:00:13 11KB edma event linux_edma