掺铒光纤放大器 (EDFA) 分析模型的仿真
2021-06-22 00:21:57 81KB matlab
Analytical solution to calculate the small-signal single-pass gain of a fiber amplifier. Includes standard parameters for erbium- or ytterbium-doped fiber amplifiers. Use it to produce either of two types of plots: 1. Plot the gain versus pump power for various fiber lengths (at a single wavelength) 2. Plot the gain versus wavelength for various pump powers (at one or several fiber lengths) Can also be used to calculate single-pass gain of lasers and thus predict the pump power necessary for lasing. (i.e. when the gain G_th is greater than the cavity losses L and output T: G_th = 1/((1-T)*(1-L)). You can call the function from the command line/function/script; if you do this, the inputs are all optional but presumably you'll want to do at least some of them. You can also use good ol' F5 to just run it with the defaults, editing them in the first few lines of the code. % Example calls from command line: % % optional parameters >>> plotFlag = 1; % optional, boolean if you want output plot or just the output values returned to the calling function >>> loss = 2; % optional: excess loss in dB % % mode 1: plotting the gain vs. pump power for several lengths >>> Pp = 50:5:100; % pump powers in mW >>> L = [0.5 1 2 5]; % fiber length in m >>> wl = 1550; % wavelength in nm >>> G = EDFASinglePassGain_Analytical(wl,L,Pp,loss,plotFlag) % again, all inputs are basically optional, use the ones you need to change % % mode 2: plotting the gain vs. wavelength for several lengths, several pump powers >>> Pp = 50:10:100; % in mW, use between 1 and 10 power values for helpful graphs >>> L = [0.5 1 2 5]; % in m, use between 1 and 4 length values for helpful graphs >>> wl = 1550; % signal wavelength in nm >>> G = EDFASinglePassGain_Analytical(wl,L,Pp,loss,plotFlag) Some CAVEATS are in order. 1. This solution does NOT incorporate ASE or strong-signal saturation effects. Therefore if you are interested in high-gain (>20 dB) or high-power (>100 uW input)
2021-05-25 21:30:31 5KB MATLAB 代码 多个文件
采用RSOA和FBG均衡器的远程泵送基于EDFA的下行40 Gb / s和上行10 Gb / s远程WDM PON
2021-05-06 20:21:38 640KB 研究论文
2021-03-17 18:08:04 100KB PreAMP EDFA光纤放
随着DWDM系统的广泛部署以及ROADM、相干系统的商用化,EDFA已经成为光传输网络中不可或缺的核心重要部件,不同的应用场景也对EDFA提出了各类技术和性能要求。 可以预见的是在不久的将来,伴随着EDFA性能的提升、成本的降低,种类繁多的光放大产品将会不断上市,行业依然会呈现百花齐放的发展态势。
2021-03-12 13:03:07 57KB EDFA WDM
EDFA是英文“Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier”的缩写,即掺铒光纤放大器,是一种使用铒离子来作为增益介质的光纤放大器。光放大器能够直接放大光信号,而无需在放大之前将信号转换为电信号,这也是最突出的功能,是长距离光通信中重要的光学部件。
2021-03-12 13:03:06 88KB EDFA WDM
EDFA 毕业设计 光纤放大器掺铒放大器设计 内容详实
2020-05-16 21:31:38 269KB EDFA LABVIEW
2020-01-03 11:38:40 513KB EDFA
2020-01-03 11:23:47 51.93MB EDFA
EDFA matlab code EDFA matlab code
2019-12-21 19:25:21 65KB EDFA matlab code