Barrier-free Affective Communication in MOOC Study by Analyzing Pupil Diameter Variation
2021-02-22 10:05:32 3.12MB 研究论文
The basic propagation properties of the silica and silicon subwavelength-diameter hollow wire waveguides have been investigated by comparison. It shows that the silica and silicon subwavelength-diameter hollow wire waveguides have some interesting properties, such as enhanced evanescent field in the cladding, enhanced intensity in the hollow core, and large waveguide dispersion. For the different confinement ability, the enhanced field in the hollow core and cladding of the silica subwavelength-
2021-02-10 16:05:28 679KB 亚波长直 传播特性 色散 060.2310
rfc3588中文版 Diameter协议中文版 无解压密码,可直接使用
2019-12-21 21:30:40 458KB rfc3588 Diameter协议