SpaCy官方中文模型已经上线( ),本项目『推动SpaCy中文模型开发』的任务已经完成,本项目将进入维护状态,后续更新将只进行bug修复,感谢各位用户长期的关注和支持。 SpaCy中文模型 为SpaCy提供的中文数据模型。模型目前还处于beta公开测试的状态。 在线演示 基于Jupyter notebook的在线演示在 。 特性 部分王小明在北京的清华大学读书这个Doc对象的属性信息: NER(新! ) 部分王小明在北京的清华大学读书这个Doc对象的NER信息: 开始使用 SpaCy(版本> 2)的基础知识。 系统要求 Python 3(也许支持python2,但未通过良好测试) 安装 下载模型 从页面下载模型( New!为中国地区的用户提供了加速下载的链接)。假设所下载的模型称为zh_core_web_sm-2.xxtar.gz 。 安装模型 pip install zh_core_web_sm-2.x.x.tar.gz 为了方便后续在Rasa NLU等框架中使用,需要再为这个模型建立一个链接,通过执行以下命令: spacy link zh_core_web_sm zh 运行完
R dependency Resource
2022-08-02 20:04:58 9.64MB 0
Dependency Walker这款软件是一款非常实用的dll依赖查看工具,用户可以用这款软件对dll文件的修复和查看,而且这款软件操作起来非常简单,上手难度非常低。这款软件非常适合用来分析pe模块,可以更好的进行dll的查看,是一款非常实用的动态链接库工具。这款软件处理可以查看PE模块的导入模块,还可以查看PE模块的导入和导出函数、动态剖析PE模块的模块依赖性和解析C++函数名称,非常实用。这款软件还可以节省内存,非常轻松的就可以解决应用本地化的问题,软件中还有非常实用的扩展应用程序,可以让用户在需要时才将DLL载入到内存中,这让程序的可维护性变得很高。有需求的用户千万不要错过这款功能强大操作简单的dll依赖查看工具。
2022-07-22 12:00:58 1.03MB 动态库
2022-06-27 16:00:08 23.36MB dependency-check
数据库管理系统概述英文版课件:8 Functional Dependency and Normal Forms.ppt
2022-06-21 09:05:56 424KB 数据库
Product Description Guice (pronounced "Juice") is the 100% Java icing on the cake of Java dependency injection. Unlike other popular DI frameworks such as Spring, Guice fully embraces modern Java language features and combines simplicity with stunning performance and developer-friendliness. Google Guice: Agile Lightweight Dependency Injection Framework will not only tell you "how," it will also tell you "why" and "why not," so that all the knowledge you gain will be as widely applicable as possible. Filled with examples and background information, this book is an invaluable addition to your knowledge of modern agile Java. * Learn simple annotation-driven dependency injection, scoping and AOP, and why it all works the way it works. * Be the first to familiarize yourself with concepts that are likely to be included in a future Java EE or SE release (through JSR 299). * Get things done without having to write any XML. What you'll learn * Find out why dependency injection frameworks solve your problems, and how Guice fills that gap. * What Guice can do, can't do and how to apply that knowledge. * How Guice compares to popular alternatives like the Spring Framework. * What the future has in store, including Guice IDE, the next Guice version and the standardization of Guice's concepts through JSR 299. * How you can build real world, Guice-powered web applications using popular frameworks like Wicket or Struts 2. * How to develop a full stack Guice / Struts 2 / Hibernate application. * What you can really do with modern Java. Who is this book for? This book is for professional Java developers who are interested in dependency injection, modern Java coding practices and who want to tackle complexity with a simple, powerful and high-quality solution that already powers one of Google's highest profile applications: AdWords. This may be an alternative to Spring for many. About the Author Robbie Vanbrabant is an experienced Java developer and professional Java consultant based in Belgium. He's a well known Guice user and active member of the Guice community. Product Details * Paperback: 192 pages * Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (April 21, 2008) * Language: English * ISBN-10: 1590599977 * ISBN-13: 978-1590599976 * Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 7.5 x 0.6 inches
2022-06-09 18:22:38 2.95MB guice
今天在初始化项目中,出现了一个奇怪的情况:明明路径是对的,但是编译的时候,一直报“This dependency was not found”的错。 代码如下: import Vue from 'vue' import App from './App' import router from './router' import 'common/stylus/index.styl' /* eslint-disable no-new */ new Vue({ el: '#app', render: h => h(App) }) 控制台一直报错,表示无法找到common/stylus/inde
2022-06-04 20:40:34 36KB app AS c
(第一次写文章,我经验也不足,根据自己的理解来向大家解释一下) 先说一说今天被折磨一整天的感悟: 当项目导入、运行爆红时,一个劲百度出现的错误和解决方案,可能不是最先做的事。 加深对于项目运行过程的理解,才是治本的方法 刚刚导入一个别人的项目,或者把别人的代码移植进来,大概率会一片爆红,因为“环境配置”不一样。 对于这种Sync时出错的事情,一定要往“环境配置”四个字上去找原因。 环境配置,无非是网络配置和下面这四个gradle文件: 先说网络配置 相信点开这篇文章的同学都已经过了unable to find valid certification这一关,成功为自己的项目配置好了阿里云仓库等
2022-05-27 00:21:06 415KB ab AS ble
npm-dependency-analyzer 在Node.js环境下开发的项目中分析开源依赖项。 该插件分析项目的所有依赖关系,以检查漏洞和许可证。 要求 8.0.0或更高版本的Node.js。 项目必须有一个名为.osda的策略文件 策略文件结构 { " $schema " : " " , " title " : " Project Policy " , " description " : " A policy with a project related configurations and \t information " , " type " : " object " , " properties " : { " project_id " : { " des
2022-05-19 14:43:28 86KB JavaScript
Dependency Walker 最新版, dll 依赖项查看工具. Dependency Walker is a free utility that scans any 32-bit or 64-bit Windows module (exe, dll, ocx, sys, etc.) and builds a hierarchical tree diagram of all dependent modules. For each module found, it lists all the functions that are exported by that module, and which of those functions are actually being called by other modules. Another view displays the minimum set of required files, along with detailed information about each file including a full path to the file, base address, version numbers, machine type, debug information, and more. Dependency Walker is also very useful for troubleshooting system errors related to loading and executing modules. Dependency Walker detects many common application problems such as missing modules, invalid modules, import/export mismatches, circular dependency errors, mismatched machine types of modules, and module initialization failures. Dependency Walker runs on Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, and 8. It can process any 32-bit or 64-bit Windows module, including ones designed for Windows CE. It can be run as graphical application or as a console application. Dependency Walker handles all types of module dependencies, including implicit, explicit (dynamic / runtime), forwarded, delay-loaded, and injected. A detailed help is included. Dependency Walker is completely free to use. However, you may not profit from the distribution of it, nor may you bundle it with another product.
2022-05-15 07:53:22 439KB Dependency Walker