STM32F4系列(F1类似),使用DMA驱动硬件SPI 高速推动OLED屏。 提供的是经过改进后的OLED.C这个文件,明白的人看了就会用。 zhuOLED_DrawPoint函数需要自行修改
2021-08-01 08:00:08 5KB STM32 DMA SPI OLED
2021-07-15 13:30:42 556KB DMA
STM32用PWM +DMA驱动 WS2812 /* Buffer that holds one complete DMA transmission * * Ensure that this buffer is big enough to hold * all data bytes that need to be sent * * The buffer size can be calculated as follows: * number of LEDs * 24 bytes + 42 bytes * * This leaves us with a maximum string length of * (2^16 bytes per DMA stream - 42 bytes)/24 bytes per LED = 2728 LEDs
2021-06-01 09:42:18 7KB 全彩灯条驱动
2021-03-25 15:44:41 46KB DMA 驱动GPIO 最高输出速率 文章
zynq板PS跟PL交互 DMA驱动源文件,petalinux工程移植DMA驱动源文件
2021-03-24 09:46:28 84KB DMA驱动
K60 DMA驱动OV7620摄像头的完整程序
2020-01-03 11:37:23 2.21MB k60 ov7620
xilliix pcie dma 驱动 (基于 xilnx xdma ip核 4.0 的WDF驱动) --- # XDMA Windows Driver This project is Xilinx's sample Windows driver for 'DMA/Bridge Subsystem for PCI Express v4.0' (XDMA) IP. *Please note that this driver and associated software are supplied to give a basic generic reference implementation only. Customers may have specific use-cases and/or requirements for which this driver is not suitable.* ### Dependencies * Target machine running Windows 7 or Windows 10 * Development machine running Windows 7 (or later) * Visual Studio 2015 (or later) installed on development machine * Windows Driver Kit (WDK) version 1703 (or later) installed on development machine ## Directory Structure ``` / |__ build/ - Generated directory containing build output binaries. |__ exe/ - Contains sample client application source code. | |__ simple_dma/ - Sample code for AXI-MM configured XDMA IP. | |__ streaming_dma/ - Sample code for AXI-ST configured XDMA IP. | |__ user_events/ - Sample code for access to user event interrupts. | |__ xdma_info/ - Utility application which prints out the XDMA core ip | | configuration. | |__ xdma_rw/ - Utility for reading/writing to/from xdma device nodes such | | as control, user, bypass, h2c_0, c2h_0 etc. | |__ xdma_test/ - Basic test application which performs H2C/C2H transfers on | all present channels. |__ inc/ - Contains public API header file for XDMA driver. |__ libxdma/ - Static kernel library for XDMA IP. |__ sys/ - Reference driver source code which uses libxdma |__ - This file. |__ XDMA.sln - Visual Studio Solution. ```
2019-12-24 03:22:06 86KB PCIE DRIVER DMA 驱动
2014-10-12 00:00:00 12KB SSD1305 SPI DMA STM32