图像模糊matlab代码模糊上下文对比增强_代码 该存储库为我们发表在 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 上的论文“模糊上下文对比度增强”提供了 matlab 代码。 26,没有。 4,第 1810-1819 页,2017 年 4 月 论文引用:AS Parihar、OP Verma 和 C. Khanna,“模糊上下文对比度增强”,在 IEEE 图像处理交易,卷。 26,没有。 4,第 1810-1819 页,2017 年 4 月。doi:10.1109/TIP.2017.2665975 这段代码可以使用 MATLAB 执行,如下所示: ------------对于彩色图像------------ i=imread('3096.jpg'); [Im_out, etime] = FCCE_Color( i ); 图(1);imshow(Im_out);title('FCCI Color'); ----------对于灰度图像----------- i=imread('ruins.jpg'); [Im_out, etime] = FC
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用于自然图像去雾算法的质量评价算法,目前去雾评价中应用最多的一种算法,来源于文章“Blind contrast enhancement assessment by gradient ratioing at visible edges”
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为文章“UWP 运行时切换UI主题颜色(theme)”所写的例子,需要visual studio 2017,visual studio 最好2019.
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Traditional speckle fringe patterns of electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) are obtained by adding, subtracting, or multiplying the speckle patterns recorded before and after the deformation. However, these speckle fringe patterns are of limited visibility, especially for addition and multiplication fringe patterns. We propose a novel method to obtain speckle fringe patterns of ESPI from undeformed and deformed speckle patterns. The fringe pattern generated by our method is of high c
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Background: Recent advances in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) techniques make it possible to reconstruct contrast-defined visual images from brain activity. In this manner, the stimulus images are represented as the weighted sum of a set of element images with different scales. The con
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Influence of GABAergic pathway on retinal adaptation-related response changes
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经典论文《A Local Contrast Method for Small Infrared Target Detection》提出的局部对比度图算法LCM(Local Contrast Method)的代码,自己调试通过,只需要改一下路径就可以直接运行。觉得好用请点赞
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