Explore how to develop and implement wireless server networks (WSN) using Contiki-NG, branded as the operating system for the IoT. The book explains Contiki-NG’s advantages in sensing, communication, and energy optimization and enables you to begin solving problems in automation with WSN. Practical Contiki-NG is a guide to getting started with Contiki-NG programming featuring projects that demonstrate a variety of applications. This book takes a practical and content-driven approach to the latest technologies, including Raspberry Pi, IoT and cloud servers. Readers will go through step-by-step guides and sample scenarios such as sensing, actuating, connectivity, building middleware, and utilizing IoT and cloud-based technologies. If you’re looking to go from zero to hero in using Contiki-NG to build Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications then this is the book for you. What You’ll Learn Prepare and set up Contiki-NG development Review the basics of the Contiki-NG platform to build Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) Develop your own Contiki-NG program Perform sensing and actuating on the Contiki-NG platform Implement a middleware for Contiki-NG motes Build a simple IoT program using the Contiki-NG environment Who This Book Is For Developers, students, researchers and anyone who has an interest in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN).
2021-11-04 10:59:05 11.32MB Contiki-NG 物联网 传感器
2021-11-04 10:57:02 39.04MB contiki IAR 资料合集
2021-11-03 09:31:52 574KB contiki cc2530
CCS 10.4.0工程示例 并行执行两个任务,分别反转LED1、LED2,它们延时的时间互不相同。
2021-10-28 20:05:03 316KB msp430 rtos 实时操作系统 msp430g2553
Contiki系统再STM32中的移植方法及源码,希望能帮到您 移植已经成功,期待一块进步
2021-10-13 20:09:40 7.75MB Contiki 系统 STM32
目录 注意:如有问题,请先参阅问题管理! 介绍 该项目旨在提供一个简单方便的界面,依靠Contiki OS生成Cooja模拟并为无线传感器网络(WSN)部署恶意节点,该传感器使用针对低功率和有损设备(RPL) ( RFC 6550 )的路由协议网络层。 使用此框架,可以重新定义RPL配置常量,修改ContikiRPL库中的单行或使用自己的外部RPL库来轻松定义仿真活动(以JSON格式)。 而且,可以针对每个模拟基于相同或随机的拓扑来生成活动中的实验。 使用该框架进行的一些测试案例: 测试案例1:泛洪攻击 恶意微粒的范围为3、7、10 没有恶意微粒的电源跟踪 使用恶意微粒进行功率跟踪 测试案例2:版本控制攻击 合法的DODAG 实施版本控制攻击(全局修复) 没有恶意微粒的电源跟踪 使用恶意微粒进行功率跟踪 测试案例3a:黑洞攻击 合法的DODAG 黑洞攻击行动
2021-10-02 16:37:08 4.78MB attack simulation wireless-network wsn
Contiki入门手册,采用了proto thread思想,并融合了协议栈等,可以移植,非常好用。一点积分就可以下载,好好学习!!
2021-09-26 17:41:02 1.07MB contiki 物联网 操作系统
Contiki支持IPv4/IPv6通信,提供了uIPv6协议栈、IPv4协议栈(uIP),支持TCP/UDP,还提供了线程、定时器、文件系统等功能。Contiki是采用 C 语言开发的非常小型的嵌入式操作系统,针对小内存微控制器设计,典型的Contiki配置只需要2KB的RAM和40KB的ROM
2021-09-26 10:32:25 4.33MB Contiki
内含:官方源码contiki 2.5,有Windows和Linux平台的移植,Windows平台的IDE为IAR,成功在CC2530,STM32F103,MSP430上成功运行。附源码移植过程中的移植源码,学习笔记和开发文档。
2021-09-08 10:27:07 43.01MB 源码contiki 移植
2021-08-27 09:08:35 20.34MB contiki 6lowpan cc2650