Thoroughly revised and updated edition of this in-depth discussion of both video compression and communication technology Since the publication of Wireless Video Communications five years ago, the area of video compression and wireless transceivers has evolved even further. This new edition addresses a range of recent developments in these areas, giving cognizance also to the associated transmission aspects and issues of error resilience. In this revision of Wireless Video Communications, substantial new material has been added on areas such as H.264 and MPEG4 coding. Covering compression issues, error resilience, coding delay, implementational complexity and bitrate, the book also gives an historical perspective to video communication. Includes brand new, previously unpublished information on advances in the field of video compression and communications. Introduces substantial new material on H.264 and MPEG4 coding and their error resilience and transceivers. Illustrates the expected performance of various video codecs in the context of integrated wireless transceivers. Covers video compression, channel coding and transmission Postgraduates and researchers in communication systems, undergraduates and development engineers of video compression applications will all find this a highly informative read.
2023-01-12 23:18:19 10.97MB Video Compression Communications Communication
数据压缩导论 第五版 数据压缩导论 第五版 数据压缩导论 第五版
2023-01-12 22:58:04 10.41MB 数据压缩 data compression
信息论及数据压缩算法的介绍。 information theory,probability coding,applications of probability coding,LZ77,78, Burrows Wheeler,fractal compression.......
2023-01-12 22:55:58 377KB 数据 算法
Python中的UnionFind实现 联合查找是一种数据结构,可保持不相交的集合(称为连接的组件或简称为组件)成员身份,并使合并(联合)两个组件以及查找两个元素是否已连接(即属于同一组件)更加容易。 )。 这实现了“加权快速工会与路径压缩”联合查找算法。 仅当元素是不可变的对象时才有效。 联合和查找(N + M \ log ^ * N)的最坏情况,具有N个元素和M个联合/查找操作。 函数\ log ^ *是获取一个数字的\ log (以2为底)直到达到1所需的次数。实际上,每个操作的摊销成本几乎是线性的 。 内容 模块unionfind与类UnionFind 示例笔记本UnionFindExamples.ipynb 许可证:麻省理工学院。 要求 numpy
2022-12-23 15:30:40 78.25MB jpeg2000
展示了 Jpeg 压缩标准的简单实现,每个步骤都有易于理解的算法
2022-11-25 21:45:11 2KB matlab
matlab匹配滤波代码仅通过MMSE估计实现的自适应脉冲压缩 作者:Pardhu M 接触: 描述 此方法基于最小均方误差(MMSE)公式,其中从接收信号中自适应估计每个单个距离单元的脉冲压缩滤波器,以减轻大目标附近匹配滤波导致的掩蔽干扰。 代码详细信息 所有代码均以Matlab 2015版本编写。 参考文件 Blunt,Shannon D.和Karl Gerlach。 “通过MMSE估计进行自适应脉冲压缩。” IEEE航空航天和电子系统学报42.2(2006):572-584。 免责声明 提及的作者对上述论文没有任何版权。
2022-11-24 17:51:37 3KB 系统开源
Lossless Compression Handbook 无损压缩手册 Lossless Compression Handbook 无损压缩手册
2022-11-22 15:47:05 24.94MB Lossless Compression Handbook
数据压缩教程!-Data compression tutorial!
2022-11-21 15:04:17 47KB 数据压缩