The aim of this book is to develop from the ground up" all of the major exciting preand post millenium developments in the general area of study known as quantum Shannon theory As such we spend a signicant amount of time on quantum mechanics for quantum information theory Part II we give a careful study of the important unit protocols of teleportation super dense coding and entanglement distribution Part III and we develop many of the tools necessary for understanding information transmission or compression Part IV Parts V and VI are the culmination of this book where all of the tools developed come into play for understanding many of the important results in quantum Shannon theory">The aim of this book is to develop from the ground up" all of the major exciting preand post millenium developments in the general area of study known as quantum Shannon theory As such we spend a signicant amount of time on quantum mechanics for quantum information theory Part II we giv [更多]
2022-03-06 11:49:17 6.66MB quantum information theory
The book is addressed to students inengineering who have had an undergraduate course in signals and systems, including an introduction to frequency-domain methods of analyzing feedback control systems, namely, Bode plots and the Nyquist criterion. A prior course on state-spacetheory would be advantageous for some optional sections, but is not necessary.To keep the development elementary,the systems are single-input/single-output and linear, operating in continuous time.
2021-12-15 19:18:02 1.21MB Feedback control
甲言Jiayan 简介 甲言,取“Oracle言”之意,是一种专注于古汉语处理的NLP工具包。目前通用的汉语NLP工具均以现代汉语为核心语料,对古代汉语的处理效果很差(详见)。本项目的初衷,便是辅助古汉语信息处理,帮助有志于挖掘古文化矿藏的古汉语学者,爱好者等更好的地分析和利用文言资料,从“文化遗产”中创造出“文化新产”。当前版本支持,,,和五项功能,更多功能正在开发中。 功能 利用无监督的双,以及左右进行文言词库自动生成。 利用无监督,无词典的和进行古汉语自动分词。 利用词库合成功能产生的文言词典,基于有向无环词图,句子最大概率路径和动态规划算法进行分词。 根据词的的序列标注,词性详见。 基
Classical Electricity and Magnetism
2021-11-16 12:26:28 37.78MB Electricity and Magnetism
goldstein 的经典力学,经典力学的经典之作。本书主要通过分析的方法(Lagrange 方程,变分法)去处理力学问题,是理论力学的入门级教材。本书处理的范围非常广泛。
2021-11-15 11:28:43 11.28MB 经典力学 classical mechanics
2021-10-27 08:43:14 38.27MB Object-oriented
Classical Electrodynamics 3rd Edition by J.D. Jackson 的习题解答,很清楚
2021-10-10 16:37:07 653KB 电动力学
Classical Mechanics 3rd edition solution
2021-09-27 18:42:43 1.37MB Classical Mechanics 经典力学 英文
Classical Mechanics (3rd Edition) ·作者:Goldsten.H.、Poole.C.、Safko.J. ·页码:638 页 ·出版日期:2005年 美国哥伦比亚大学HerbertGoldstein编著的《经典力学》(ClassicalMechanics)是一本有着很高知名度的经典力学教材,长期以来被世界上多所大学选用。本影印版是2002年出版的第3版。与前两版相比,第3版在保留基本经典力学内容的基础上,做了不少调整。例如,增加了混沌一章;引入了一些对新研究问题的方法的讨论,例如张量、群论的等;对于第二版中的一些内容做了适当的压缩和调整。全书共13章,可作为为物理类专业经典力学课程的教材,尤其适合开展双语教学的学校,对于有志出国深造的人员也是一本必不可少的参考书。 本文件的格式为DJVU格式,可以用开源软件WinDjView打开阅览。
2021-08-02 23:10:33 8.95MB 物理 物理引擎
2021-07-22 21:47:59 6.95MB stratton chu