2022-01-10 15:55:48 7.02MB parallel compute
2021-12-29 01:48:45 8.18MB 3rd Edition Numerical Recipes
This book presents a systematic account of optical coherence theory within the framework of classical optics, as applied to such topics as radiation from sources of different states of coherence, foundations of radiometry, effects of source coherence on the spectra of radiated fields, coherence theory of laser modes, and scattering of partially coherent light by random media. The book starts with a full mathematical introduction to the subject area and each chapter concludes with a set of exercises. The authors are renowned scientists and have made substantial contributions to many of the topics treated in the book. Much of the book is based on courses given by them at universities, scientific meetings and laboratories throughout the world.
2021-11-27 02:01:18 44.91MB optics
The eld of arti cial intelligence (AI) and the law is on the cusp of a revolution that began with text analytic programs like IBM’s Watson and Debater and the open-source informa- tion management architectures on which they are based. Today, new legal applications are beginning to appear, and this book – designed to explain computational processes to non-programmers – describes how they will change the practice of law, speci cally by connecting computational models of legal reasoning directly with legal text, generat- ing arguments for and against particular outcomes, predicting outcomes, and explaining these predictions with reasons that legal professionals will be able to evaluate for them- selves. These legal apps will support conceptual legal information retrieval and enable cognitive computing, enabling a collaboration between humans and computers in which each performs the kinds of intelligent activities that they can do best. Anyone interested in how AI is changing the practice of law should read this illuminating work. Dr. Kevin D. Ashley is a Professor of Law and Intelligent Systems at the University of Pittsburgh, Senior Scientist, Learning Research and Development Center, and Adjunct Professor of Computer Science. He received a B.A. from Princeton University, a JD from Harvard Law School, and Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Mas- sachusetts. A visiting scientist at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, NSF Presidential Young Investigator, and Fellow of the American Association for Arti cial Intelligence, he is co-Editor-in-Chief of Arti cial Intelligence and Law and teaches in the University of Bologna Erasmus Mundus doctoral program in Law, Science, and Technology.
2021-11-23 09:07:08 39.16MB AI 人工智能
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2021-11-18 15:08:07 430KB notes latex-document maths TeX
CamVid is provided by The University of Cambridge.本数据集由剑桥大学提供。 camvid_class_dict.csv camvid_test_labels.zip camvid_train_labels.zip camvid_val.zip camvid_test.zip camvid_val_labels.zip camvid_train.zip
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Topics in matrix analysis-Cambridge University Press.pdf
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Gubner J.A. - Probability and Random Processes for Electrical and Computer Engineers (Cambridge University Press, 2006)英文原版
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