本书是移动通信领域的导论,主要讨论数字数据传输。适用于选修计算机网络或通信课程的电子工程或计算机专业的学生。本书从计算机科学的角度涵盖移动通信的各个方面,还指出了不同技术解决方案的共同属性,并阐明众所周知的从固定网络到支持终端移动性和无线接入网络的各种业务和应用的集成。. 本书主要内容有:移动和无线通信概述;通信系统信号的传播、复用和调制;通信介质接入方案;全球移动通信系统(GSM)、无绳电话技术、集群通信以及通用移动电信系统(UMTS)未来的发展;卫星系统;数字广播系统;被看做建筑物中线缆替代者的无线局域网,其中包括IEEE 802.11、高性能局域网和蓝牙技术;异步传输模式(ATM)向无线领域的扩展;移动Internet协议在无线领域的扩展,Ad hoc网和它们对路由选择协议的特殊要求也包括在内;将目前熟知的传输控制协议(TCP)应用于有特殊需求的无线领域的几种方法;新的无线应用协议(WAP)标准。
2023-03-14 12:48:35 18.19MB Mobile Communications Second Edition
2023-02-18 16:52:07 12.02MB 无线通信
wireless communication[Goldsmith_A著]的原版,有利于学习
2023-02-16 12:26:46 2.44MB 通信书籍
2023-02-12 09:37:08 10.35MB 数字通信
An excellent reference book for wireless communications by Theodore S Rappaport, second edition
2023-01-25 12:56:57 19.66MB Wireless
Andrea Goldsmith编写的Wireless Communications这本关于无线的经典教材
2023-01-13 11:56:27 3.49MB Wireless Communications by Andrea
Thoroughly revised and updated edition of this in-depth discussion of both video compression and communication technology Since the publication of Wireless Video Communications five years ago, the area of video compression and wireless transceivers has evolved even further. This new edition addresses a range of recent developments in these areas, giving cognizance also to the associated transmission aspects and issues of error resilience. In this revision of Wireless Video Communications, substantial new material has been added on areas such as H.264 and MPEG4 coding. Covering compression issues, error resilience, coding delay, implementational complexity and bitrate, the book also gives an historical perspective to video communication. Includes brand new, previously unpublished information on advances in the field of video compression and communications. Introduces substantial new material on H.264 and MPEG4 coding and their error resilience and transceivers. Illustrates the expected performance of various video codecs in the context of integrated wireless transceivers. Covers video compression, channel coding and transmission Postgraduates and researchers in communication systems, undergraduates and development engineers of video compression applications will all find this a highly informative read.
2023-01-12 23:18:19 10.97MB Video Compression Communications Communication
2022-12-04 21:19:46 593KB 无线通信仿真 大尺度衰落
Microsoft Communications Control控件,包括(mscomm32.ocx,mscomm32.dep,mscomm.bat,mscomm.reg,mscomm.srg)。 解压后,使用方法如下: 1.解压缩压缩包内包含五个文件: MSCOMM.SRG MSCOMM32.DEP MSCOMM32.OCX MSCOMM32.REG ​MSCOMM32.BAT 2.将前三个复制文件到指定路径: 32位的系统,文件复制到C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32目录下; 64位的系统,文件复制到C:\Windows\SysWOW64目录下。 3.win+r输入cmd打开cmd窗口,在cmd中输入: 32位:regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\mscomm32.ocx 64位:regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mscomm32.ocx 按enter之后会提示注册成功。 或者直接双击下载的MSCOMM.BAT文件也可。
2022-11-22 15:41:23 51KB MFC 串口 MSCOMM控件
书籍Wireless Communications Over Rapidly Time-Varying Channels的目录,书籍本身请到http://download.csdn.net/detail/jerry_qz/3311547处下载。 (原书无目录!)
2022-11-17 16:04:09 711KB 书籍目录 Rapidly Time-Varying Channels