SVRRF Unity插件 Svrf的API可让您使用第一个也是最大的搜索引擎为您的项目或应用程序增添更多的沉浸式体验。 我们使任何开发人员都能轻松地将高度身临其境的体验与各种应用程序融合在一起:虚拟现实,增强现实,混合现实,移动和Web。 请参阅我们的《 以开始使用! 产品特点 简单身份验证:一键式将Svrf API密钥添加到您的Unity应用中。 Svrf API完全访问权限:我们的已经包含在插件中,并且已与该插件集成在一起,因此您可以立即开始并! 轻松加载3D模型:您可以在编辑器中或在运行时加载Svrf 3D模型。 遮挡处理:如果您正在构建面罩应用程序,我们可以为您处理遮挡。 例子
2022-04-21 21:45:36 1.41MB api unity augmented-reality virtual-reality
2022-04-06 03:13:58 26.74MB hololens ar vr mr
PART I TECHNOLOGIES -- Augmented Reality: An Overview -- New Augmented Reality Taxonomy: Technologies and Features of Augmented Environment -- Visualization Techniques for Augmented Reality -- Mobile Augmented Reality Game Engine -- Head-Mounted Projection Display Technology and Applications -- Wireless Displays in Educational Augmented Reality Applications -- Mobile Projection Interfaces for Augmented Reality Applications -- Interactive Volume Segmentation and Visualization in Augmented Reality -- Virtual Roommates: Sampling and Reconstructing Presence in Multiple Shared Spaces -- Large Scale Spatial Augmented Reality for Design and Prototyping -- Markless Tracking for Augmented Reality -- Enhancing Interactivity in Handheld AR Environments -- Evaluating Augmented Reality Systems -- Situated Simulations Between Virtual Reality and Mobile Augmented Reality: Designing a Narrative Space -- Referencing Patterns in Collaborative Augmented Reality -- QR Code Based Augmented Reality and Its Applications -- Evolution of a Tracking System -- Navigation Techniques in Augmented and Mixed Reality: Crossing the Virtuality Continuum -- Survey of Use Cases for Mobile Augmented Reality Browsers -- PART II APPLICATIONS -- Augmented Reality for Nano Manipulation -- Augmented Reality in Psychology -- Environmental Planning Using Augmented Reality -- Mixed Reality Manikins for Medical Education -- Augmented Reality Applied to Edutainment -- Designing Mobile Augmented Reality Games -- Network Middleware for Mobile and Pervasive Large Scale Augmented Reality Games -- 3D Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality for Image-Guided Surgery -- Augmented Reality in Assistive Technology and Rehabilitation Engineering -- Using Augmentation Techniques for Performance Evaluation in Automotive Safety -- Augmented Reality in Product Development and Manufacturing -- Military Applications of Augmented Reality -- Augmented Reality in Exhibition and Entertainment for the Public -- GIS and Augmented Reality: State of the Art and Issues. Augmented Reality (AR) refers to the merging of a live view of the physical, real world with context-sensitive, computer-generated images to create a mixed reality. Through this augmented vision, a user can digitally interact with and adjust information about their surrounding environment on-the-fly. Handbook of Augmented Reality provides an extensive overview of the current and future trends in Augmented Reality, and chronicles the dramatic growth in this field. The book includes contributions from world expert s in the field of AR from academia, research laboratories and private industry. Case studies and examples throughout the handbook help introduce the basic concepts of AR, as well as outline the Computer Vision and Multimedia techniques most commonly used today. The book is intended for a wide variety of readers including academicians, designers, developers, educators, engineers, practitioners, researchers, and graduate students. This book can also be beneficial for business managers, entrepreneurs, and investors.
2022-03-19 16:56:05 23.55MB Handbook of Augmented Reality
增强现实应用 在Vuforia AR SDK和Unity的帮助下,使用增强现实技术基础的简单android应用程序。 这只是我对AR和使用AR进行机器学习感兴趣的一个基本步骤,希望您会发现它很有趣! 如何使用 -下载名为“ ARSample.apk”的.apk文件。 -运行应用程序 -在可见光良好的情况下,将100卢比的钞票放在平坦的表面上 -将相机(应用程序的相机)保持在笔记上 -使用控制器导航角色 -按下便笺上可见的按钮(不是在手机上,而是按一下便笺上可见的按钮),它将旋转字符!!!
2021-12-20 21:28:53 114.91MB C#
HoloLensCameraStream for Unity 该Unity插件可将HoloLens摄像机帧实时提供给Unity应用。 这使Unity开发人员可以轻松地将HoloLens相机用于计算机视觉(或他们想要的任何东西)。 如果您需要访问Unity中HoloLens相机的帧缓冲区(包括可 ,请使用此选项。 有了这个插件,您可以 实时在框架上进行计算机视觉和机器学习。 (不包括算法) 显示HoloLens相机所见内容的预览。 从HoloLens摄像机获取给定图像像素坐标的3D坐标。 例如,您可以使用计算机视觉识别一本书,然后在该书的顶部进行渲染。 入门 以下教程将向您展示如何构建插
2021-11-24 21:55:26 125KB unity augmented-reality uwp hololens
AR.js-网络上的增强现实 AR.js是用于Web上增强现实的轻量级库,具有图像跟踪,基于位置的AR和标记跟踪等功能。 欢迎使用官方资料库! 该项目由创建,现在由维护。 :rocket: 有关AR.js的频繁更新,您可以关注并观看此! 徽标由。 您可以获得AR.js的付费支持和新功能。 检查 :high_voltage: AR.js现在有一个官方文档! :high_voltage: 出: 。 如果您想初步了解AR.js的潜力,可以继续阅读本自述文件。 :high_voltage: AR.js有两种不同的版本。 它们都被维护。 他们是独家的。 请导入您项目所需的一个,而不是两个都导入: 具有图像跟踪+基于位置的AR的AR.js: AFRAME版本: :// three.js版本: :// 具有标
2021-10-12 17:06:37 124.79MB threejs augmented-reality ar aframe
Unity Modern XR示例 本教程介绍了如何使用Unity的新设置虚拟现实项目。 它具体显示了如何在不使用Unity的任何旧版工具且没有任何第三方资产的情况下做到这一点! 这意味着它非常轻巧,仅需一个脚本即可运行。 完整的教程可以在上找到。
2021-09-17 10:05:24 24.75MB unity augmented-reality unity-tutorial unity3d
1、为Mastering OpenCV第三章 少量标记增强现实的工程。 2、上面只是代码工程,不包含dll,lib等文件,请看准后下载。 3、运行效果参考博客: 4、再次说明:这里仅含有代码,不包括dll,lib,工程的运行还需要配好lib,和dll等
2021-09-02 11:44:43 7.63MB 增强现实 Mastering OpenCV