Unity Asset Store上免费的天空盒
2023-01-06 09:29:35 457.38MB unity3d
2022-12-24 14:26:56 202.41MB Unity.Asset-Real
aapt工具(Android Asset Packaging Tool)
2022-12-21 09:20:05 51.66MB aapt
Unity 武侠场景资源
2022-12-04 14:27:36 210.02MB Unity Asset
Aurora资产编辑器 **注意:此项目的最新版本可以从现在开始在这里找到: : ** Aurora .asset文件的图形编辑器 当我发现需要这样做的时候,此工具将添加更多功能,第一个版本仅支持读取/写入Aurora .asset文件 非常感谢MaesterRowen为我解释格式,并制作了AuroraAsset.dll库来处理图像转换(在D3DTexture和Bitmap之间),非常感谢Mattie提供的占位符图像:) 还要感谢gavin_darkglider和felida帮助我测试了这件事:) 感谢RAP7HOR提供的1.1版应用程序中使用的图标!
2022-11-27 20:52:43 928KB C#
哪些变量提供了有关未来收益横截面的独立信息? 当候选变量的数量很大并且交叉项可能很重要时,投资组合排序和 Fama-MacBeth 回归不能轻易回答这个问题。 我们介绍了一种基于机器学习文献中可以在这种情况下使用的思想的新方法。 将该方法应用于基于过去回报的未来回报预测,短期回报成为最重要的预测因素。 基于我们的研究结果的交易策略的信息比率是考虑双向交互的 Fama-MacBeth 回归的两倍。 交易成本并不能解释结果。
2022-11-07 22:52:43 2.14MB Cross-sectional asset pricing
The theory and practice of finance draws heavily on probability theory. All MBA programs prepare finance majors for their career in the profession by requiring one generalist course in probability theory and statistics attended by all business majors. While several probability distributions are covered in the course, the primary focus is on the normal or Gaussian distribution. Students find it easy to understand and apply the normal distribution: Give them the expected value and standard deviation and probability statements about outcomes can be easily made. Moreover, even if a random variable of interest is not normally distribution, students are told that a theorem in statistics called the Central Limit Theorem proves that under certain conditions the sum of independent random variables will be asymptotically normally distributed. Loosely speaking, this means that as the number of random variables are summed, the sum will approach a normal distribution. Armed with this rudimentary knowledge of probability theory, finance students march into their elective courses in finance that introduce them to the quantitative measures of risk (the standard deviation) and the quantitative inputs needed to implement modern portfolio theory (the expected value or mean and the standard deviation). In listing assumptions for most theories of finance, the first assumption on the list is often: “Assume asset returns are normally distributed.” The problem, however, is that empirical evidence does not support the assumption that many important variables in finance follow a normal distribution. The application of the Central Limit Theorem to such instances is often inappropriate because the conditions necessary for its application are not satisfied. And this brings us to the purpose of this book. Our purpose is fourfold. First, we explain alternative probability distributions to the normal distributions for describing asset returns as well as defaults. We focus on the stable Paretian (or alpha stable) distribution because of the strong support for that distribution that dates back four decades to the seminal work of Benoit Mandelbrot. Second, we explain how to estimate distributions. Third, we present empirical evidence rejecting the hypothesis that returns for stocks and bonds are normally distributed T and instead show that they exhibit fat tails and skewness. Finally, we explain the implications of fat tails and skewness to portfolio selection, risk management, and option pricing. We must admit that our intent at the outset was to provide a “nontechnical” treatment of the topic. However, we could not do so. Rather, we believe that we have provided a less technical treatment than is provided in the many excellent books and scholarly articles that deal with probability and statistics applied to finance and risk management. The book is not simple reading. It must be studied to appreciate the pitfalls that result from the application of the normal distribution to real-world financial problems.
2022-11-03 17:23:34 10.49MB fat-tailed skewed asset return
Feature 1 - Project Cleaner: 1、Actions for unused files 2、Enhanced Project View Feature 2 - Find References: 1、Find references, usages, relationships easily in Project or Scene 2、Explore usages & references
2022-10-18 14:09:20 100KB unity
AssetCatalogTinkerer_v2.7.dmg 查看Asset文件的工具,非常不错,分享给大家 喜欢的话给个赞同吧!!!谢谢!!!!!
2022-08-28 09:04:55 4.44MB dmg assets ios ipa
Unity资产清理插件 可以自动看到无用和有用的项目 在发布的时候,可以查看项目是否有没有被引用的资源,一件清理!记得做好备份 增强的项目视图: 未使用的文件标记为红色,文件夹上未使用的资产和场景计数器未使用的资产和场景大小的文件夹和文件支持编辑器深色皮肤未使用文件的处理清理单个资产/场景清理资产/场景在某些文件夹忽略材料和ScriptableObjects选项
2022-08-04 11:05:34 264KB unity3d AssetHunterPRO Unity资产清理插件