官方的动态库dll,下载比较慢的可以在这里下载 com.asprise.imaging java-scanner-access-twain [12,)
2021-04-22 11:11:13 4.99MB asprise
Highest Level of Accuracy - Asprise OCR can easily recognize difficult documents of poor image quality; Excellent Format Retention - Text layouts on the input documents are preserved; High Speed - Asprise OCR uses optimized OCR engine to perform excellent recognition in very short time; Ease of Use - We strive to make the developer's life easier. Complex parameter configurations are removed from Asprise OCR SDK. You only have to supply the image document. Asprise OCR can intelligently determine the best setting internally. Barcode Recognition - Beside characters (letters and numbers), Asprise OCR can recognize almost every kind of bar code. You can choose to recognize barcode or characters or both.
2019-12-21 18:51:32 2.57MB Asprise OCR v4.0 for
Asprise Ocr 15.3 完美破解版 64位 Asprise 破解版 Option 1: 工具-》Nuget包管理器-》程序包管理器控制台 执行 Install-Package asprise-ocr-api Option 2:复制覆盖原文件
2019-12-21 18:48:19 72.75MB Asprise ocr 条码识别 QR-Code
C# Asprise OCR 15.3之64位最新破解(1.去弹窗 2.去100单词限制 3.去过试用期限制),采用IDA破解,希望可以帮到大家
2019-12-12 13:43:18 27.94MB Asprise OCR 64位元 aocr_x64.dll
完美解决试用期弹出对话框的问题,同时去除了单词使用100次调用的问题。 本次上传的是32位/64位破解版dll及自适应系统调用控件AspriseOcr.dll 使用方式可以去官网下载最新版及实例 ----------- 目前自己在系统调试使用中一切正常。
2018-03-18 15:23:49 48.38MB Ocr aocr.dll