目前的 Matlab 代码是数据采集示例,涉及使用传统和基于会话的接口以及声卡和 NI DAQ (NI USB-6211) 硬件使用 Matlab 数据采集工具箱实时监控(音频)信号. 在示例中显示了如何: - 准备模拟输入; - 以实时模式获取和监控数据; - 在用户需要时终止获取。 这些代码基于以下描述的理论: [1] 数据采集工具箱用户指南.pdf。 MathWorks 公司,2014 年。 [2] 数据采集工具箱用户指南.pdf。 MathWorks 公司,2016 年。 [3] NI USB-621x 规范.pdf。 奥斯汀,美国国家仪器公司,2009 年。
2021-06-26 14:39:24 9KB matlab
2021-06-11 09:18:48 7KB acquisition average fft
识别NI NI-USB6008 DAQ并通过DAQ从传感器收集数据。 在此示例中,它从压力传感器收集 10 秒的数据,并在每次调用该函数时输出平均值。 这些函数用于仪器实验室课程。 要查看更多详细信息,请参阅压力测量实验室: http://www.bse.vt.edu/kumar/Instrumentation/index.html
2021-06-01 16:03:31 2KB matlab
一本经典的介绍高动态范围的图书,英文版 High dynamic range imaging is an emerging field, and for good reasons. You are either already convinced about that, or we hope to convince you with this book. At the same time, research in this area is an amazing amount of fun, and we hope that some of that shines through as well.
2021-05-10 01:43:15 31.17MB HDR
ODDAS将由运行嵌入式Linux的廉价主板和一系列传感器模块组成。 主板可以通过以太网与其他主板连接。
2021-05-06 16:04:42 2.66MB 开源软件
视觉采集计算帧率Vision Acquisition CalculateFPS
2021-04-17 09:03:08 10KB labview
High Speed Data Acquisition and Processing System Design of Power Transformer
2021-04-11 17:01:34 565KB 电源
A data acquisition system of CNC based on Zigbee and GPRS technology
2021-02-22 09:07:49 1.25MB 研究论文
The composite binary offset carrier (CBOC) modulated signal contains multi-peaks in its auto-correlation function, which brings ambiguity to the signal acquisition process of a GNSS receiver. Currently, most traditional ambiguity-removing schemes for CBOC signal acquisition approximate CBOC signal as a HOC signal, which may incur performance degradation. Based on Galileo El CBOC signal, this paper proposes a novel adaptive ambiguity-removing acquisition scheme which doesn't adopt the approxi
2021-02-21 19:10:53 300KB CBOC; Galileo; auto-correlation function;
2021-01-28 05:02:33 4KB GPS 捕获 注释