泰克 teac w540e固件开4x 刻录 其中包含f h k 版本 [TEAC Firmware Updater for the CD-W540E Ver. Instruction Manual] UpdaterW540E.exe is a program to update the firmware of the TEAC CD-W540E. This program is exclusively for the CD-W540E with firmware revision 1.0x. Please note that this program cannot be executed except for this specific firmware revision. IMPORTANT: Please read the Licensing Agreement displayed when executing UpdaterW540E.exe carefully. If you do not agree with it, press Exit button to exit this program. Precaution: It is recommended that the user closes all other applications and remove any discs from the CD-W540E prior to running the update program. TEAC take no responsibility for any trouble caused by using this program (details are described in the Licensing Agreement). If you do not agree with this condition, do not execute this program. After completing the update, please restart the system. 1. Operating environment IBM-Compatible PC or equivalent Supported Drive One Unit CD-W540E on Windows 98, 98SE and ME Two Unit CD-W540E on Windows 2K and XP 2. Supported Operating Syatems Following OSes Windows 98 Windows 98 Second Edition Windows ME Windows 2000 Windows XP Language display Japanese display on Japanese operating systems. English display on other operating systems. 3. Precautions in executing this program 3-1. Remove any discs from the CD-W540E before executing this program. 3-2. Do not try to access the drive while update is in process. 3-3. The firmware update may not work properly while certain packet writing software is installed. In this case, you must first disable the packet writing software before starting this program. 3-4. UpdaterW540E.exe requires administrator privileges to run on Windows 2000 and Windows XP. 4. Operating procedure 4-1. Make sure that W540E_10.BIN is
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