2022-03-16 15:12:25 1.21MB 算术编码 压缩 自适应 arithmetic
资源来自pypi官网。 资源全名:arithmetic_cloudea-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
2022-01-18 18:06:07 1KB Python库
IEEE754 浮点标准 英文 (IEEE Standard 754 for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic) Prof. W. Kahan Elect. Eng. & Computer Science University of California Berkeley CA 94720-1776
2021-12-25 22:18:46 115KB IEEE 754 float
Matlab代码的输入为一个字符串,输出为range,bits,high_value和low_value。算术编码(arithmetic coding)演示下溢问题
2021-11-29 17:26:00 624B 算术编码 arithmetic underflow matlab
此文件包含 MATLAB 函数、m 文件,可对整数(符号)序列进行霍夫曼编码和算术编码。 完整的编码可以通过调用一个易于使用的主程序(或主函数)来完成,其中输入参数是您要压缩的序列,输出是作为字节向量的压缩比特流。 解码只是通过切换参数来完成的。 这些主要程序是:Huffman 编码器、Huff06 是之前提交的 Huff03 函数的更新版本,以及算术编码器的两个版本 Arith06.m 和 Arith07.m。 压缩文件还包含示例和内容文件。 使用示例: y=Huff06(xC); % 编码xC=Huff06(y); % 解码其中 xC 是表示符号序列的整数列向量元胞数组,y 是表示代码的非负整数(字节)列向量,0 <= y(i) <= 255。 有关更多信息,请参阅网页: http : //www.ux.his.no/~karlsk/proj99/
2021-11-29 16:00:46 46KB matlab
算术格式化程序免费代码营 FreeCodeCamp-使用Python项目#1进行科学计算 任务 小学学生通常会垂直排列算术问题,以使其更容易解决。 例如,“ 235 + 52”变为: 235 + 52 ----- 创建一个函数,该函数接收属于算术问题的字符串列表,并返回垂直并排排列的问题。 该函数应该有选择地接受第二个参数。 当第二个参数设置为True ,应显示答案。 例如 函数调用: arithmetic_arranger ([ "32 + 698" , "3801 - 2" , "45 + 43" , "123 + 49" ]) 输出: 32 3801 45 123 + 698 - 2 + 43 + 49 ----- ------ ---- ----- 函数调用: arithmetic_arra
2021-11-07 14:44:13 3KB Python
FCC:JoséDe Freitas的算术格式化程序 项目代码的Repl.it URL(您可以在此处运行程序): ://repl.it/@JoseDeFreitas/fcc-arithmetic-formatter。 您将看到我在完成的所有5个FreeCodeCamp科学计算与Python项目的重新编译。
2021-11-07 14:38:39 4KB freecodecamp-project Python
算术格式器 freeCodeCamp的算术格式化程序项目-具有Python认证的科学计算
2021-10-23 15:13:13 2KB Python
2021-10-20 15:42:49 3KB matlab
Applied Control Theory is, first and foremost, not a substitute for years of formal education about control systems. With that out of the way, it's a very solid primer/reference for those of us who aren't control engineers, but have occasional control problems that need analysis. It's pretty light on math and formal proofs; you break it out when you've got a problem and a deadline and need to wrap it up so that you can get to the 15 other things on your open issues list. In part, it's a book length expansion of Wescott's earlier article, PID without a Ph.D, available at [...] . If you like his writing there, you'll like it here. It's a good reference for engineers who know it but need to occasionally brush back up. It's a good learning guide for programmers who don't know engineering but find themselves suddenly expected to do control theory. It is, however, a lousy book for an engineer to lend to one of his programmers; they tend to scarper off with it, and then you don't have your copy anymore.
2021-09-10 13:41:27 3.92MB Arithmetic Embedded Systems