Get to grips with NGUI for both PC and mobile devices Create fully functional 2D and 3D cross-platform user interfaces A step-by-step guide, full of examples to help you quickly build widgets and user-friendly GUI for your games NGUI is a robust UI system both powerful and optimized. It is an effective plugin for Unity, which gives you the power to create beautiful and complex user interfaces while reducing performance costs. This book is a practical tutorial that will guide you through creating a fully functional and localized main menu along with 2D and 3D in-game user interfaces. The book starts by teaching you about NGUI's workflow and creating a basic UI, before gradually moving on to building widgets and enhancing your UI. You will then switch to the Android platform to take care of different issues mobile devices may encounter. By the end of this book, you will have the knowledge to create ergonomic user interfaces for your existing and future PC or mobile games and applications developed with Unity 3D and NGUI.
2021-08-19 22:48:24 5.24MB Unity NGUI 3D 2D
由于Unity强大的功能、持续的改进和惊人的全球社区,Unity是现在世界排名第一的游戏引擎。使用Unity制作游戏,只需进行一次设计、编码,然后就可以将其部署到多个平台,传递给海量的玩家,从而获得最大化的回报。《Unity 2D游戏开发秘籍》将帮助你掌握Unity,获得强大的游戏制作技能,为你傲立当今游戏产业提供全面的解决方案。本书还涵盖了Unity 4.6 beta版本引入的新GUI工具的内容。, 有了这本必不可少的指南,在你动手创建一个完整的、2D风格游戏的过程中,将扎实地、深刻地理解Unity引擎。不管你是从其他引擎转到Unity的经验丰富的游戏开发者,还是游戏开发新手,循序渐进的, 项目都能让你快速上手Unity游戏引擎。, 《Unity 2D游戏开发秘籍》涵盖了整个开发过程,从最初的概念、计划、设计到创建和部署游戏的最后步骤,阐述了Unity新集成的2D工具集,涵盖了精灵、2D物理、游戏脚本、音频和动画等主题。本书自始至终专注于使用最简单和成本最低的游戏开发方法,依靠免费软件和游戏资产,本书为你提供了开发游戏所需要的一切。
2021-03-31 14:11:39 52.26MB unity 3D 2D游戏开发 C#
2021-03-30 15:27:09 48B Unity 5.x 3D/2D 游戏开发
电子书下载 : ------- 本书分实战项目篇与开发理论篇,通过采用“案例化”教学思路,以个人长期线下培训讲义为蓝本,讲解透彻 、循序渐进、突出与优化游戏开发实战技巧。同时*后附有全国Unity游戏研发职位笔试面试真题集锦、Unity开发常见错误与分析、游戏开发职位简历模板。非常适合游戏开发爱好者、程序员、在校大学生,以及大专院校师生教学与国内Unity专业培训机构参考使用。
2020-01-17 03:03:21 57B Unity 3D 2D 游戏开发
2d toolkit 2d开发工具,最新版的,谢谢支持!!!!!!
2019-12-21 18:49:08 5.29MB unity 3d 2d toolkit