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Navicat for MongoDB 15是一款功能十分强大的数据库管理功能类的软件,我们这款软件就是可以在软件中实现数据传输的一个操作,也就是通过这款软件到用户们的数据库就可以自己想要传输的数据进行传输,并且还可以将那些新的数据进行传输到MongoDB中来使用
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Bug Fixes Avoid hang of diskless replication fork child when parent crashes (#11463) Fix crash with module API of list iterator and RM_ListDelete (#11383) Fix TLS error handling to avoid connection drops on timeouts (#11563) Fix runtime changes to cluster-announce-*-port to take effect on the local node too (#10745) Fix sentinel function that compares hostnames if failed resolve (#11419) Fix MIGRATE with AUTH set to "keys" is getting wrong key names leading to MOVED or ACL errors (#11253) Fixes
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1 Introduction The BK2461L is a RF SOC chip, which embedded the newest FLIP51 processor. 2 Feature  1.9 V to 3.6 V power supply  FLIP51 MCU compatible with 8051  A 4-stage pipeline architecture that enables to execute most of the instructions in a single clock cycle.  8k bytes OTP for program  256 Bytes IRAM and 512 Bytes SRAM  Embedded three Timer/Counter  Support UART I2C interface  Total 9/18 GPIO available  The most 5 PWM available  The embedded BIRD (Built-In Real-time Debugge
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