2023-07-11 17:30:34 519KB Virtual Audio Cable
新版本Macbook Air是3.0的USB接口,需要对USB安装驱动。
2023-03-30 02:28:02 2KB 苹果安装Win7
苹果电脑,Apple MacBook Air A1369的电路原理图,供有需要的人下载。
2023-03-26 19:47:50 1.25MB 苹果 macbook 原理图 电路图
GhostCatTools安装工具 一款集成颜色 ,swf打包,文本压缩,图片处理。。。一系列小软件于一体 ,优点 体积小,方便
2023-03-26 01:49:08 3.75MB air
This test plan defines general requirements for equipment configurations, laboratory techniques, test methodologies, and evaluation criteria that must be met in order to ensure the accurate, repeatable, and uniform testing of wireless devices to ensure that they meet CTIA Certification standards. This test plan also defines a portion of the requirements that a laboratory must satisfy to qualify for and maintain CTIA Authorized Testing Laboratory (CATL) status (contact the CTIA Certification Program staff for complete CATL requirements). This test plan does not provide specific test equipment configurations or detailed test instructions by which to execute certification testing. Such documentation and procedures must be presented by the CATL as part of the CTIA authorization process and subsequently maintained and employed by the CATL to remain authorized to perform Certification testing.
2023-03-24 17:39:34 21.55MB ctia python
Webview适用于Android,Windows和MacOS。 仪器: Android版本使用本机WebView。 先决条件 你会需要 Windows上的PowerShell 在Mac上的wget AIR 32或更高 ANE +依赖关系 从终端cd进入/ example-mobile并运行: bash get_android_dependencies.sh ------------------ Windows版本使用Chromium Embedded Framework的CefSharp WinForms版本。 先决条件 你会需要 Windows上的PowerShell AIR 30或更高 ANE +依赖关系 从命令行cd进入/ example-desktop-complete并在PowerShell中运行: get_dependencies.ps1 ------------------ iOS版本使用本机WKWebView。 N.B.您必须使用Mac才能使用此ANE来构建iOS应用。不支持Windows。 先决条件 你会需要 get Xcode 10.1 AIR或更高 ANE +依赖关系 从终端cd进入/ example-mobile并运行: bash get_ios_dependencies.sh ------------------ macOS-前提条件 你会需要: get AIR 32或更高 ANE +依赖关系 从终端cd进入/ example并运行: bash get_dependencies.sh
2023-02-28 19:56:39 3.67MB air ane adobe webview
The dataset contains Number of Air passengers of each month from the year 1949 to 1960. We can use this data to forecast the future values and help the business. https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/abhishekmamidi/air-passengers
2023-02-22 16:38:13 27.66MB python
Cisco vWLC 虚拟控制器 Large 8-10-151 AIR_CTVM_LARGE-K9_8_10_151_0.ova
2022-12-21 19:17:36 617.76MB Cisco vWLC CTVM
思科AP AIR-AP1815-K9-ME-8-10-151-0.tar 升级文件
2022-12-21 14:19:16 60.61MB Cisco AP ME AP815
附件的IOS支持新款8系全系列无线AP(文件名不限用于2800系列,全系均支持) Cisco Mobility Express这个名词出现在Cisco “8”系列的AP上,例如现在的AP1832,AP2802,AP3802等都是Mobility Express AP, 该类AP也有“胖/瘦”之分,所谓的胖AP,携带的是ME的镜像,而瘦AP,和其他的AP类似,携带的是Lightweight AP的镜像。这类AP也被叫做COS AP(ClickOS AP、新的系统AP-COS)。 Mobility Express的特点 可以作为胖AP使用,可以作为Controller使用,可以作为LAP使用。当作为控制器时,较老的LAP不支持(可以参考release note) Cisco Aironet 1540 Series Cisco Aironet 1560 Series Cisco Aironet 1815i Cisco Aironet 1815m Cisco Aironet 1815w Cisco Aironet 1830 Series Cisco Aironet 1850 Series C
2022-12-05 14:03:04 65.88MB cisco 2802