Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty. To fight with such misconducts, plagiarism checkers are developed to compare any submitted article with all the articles stored in a database. The key is that given two documents, how to judge their similarity, or in other words, document distance? The document distance can be measured with their word metrics. In this project, you are supposed to write a program to calculate the distance of any given pair of documents.
2021-03-17 20:37:45 3KB 浙江大学 高级数据结构 project
Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty. To fight with such misconducts, plagiarism checkers are developed to compare any submitted article with all the articles stored in a database. The key is that given two documents, how to judge their similarity, or in other words, document distance?
2021-03-15 18:18:46 3KB 浙江大学 高级数据结构 project
2021-02-19 23:12:40 5KB 数据结构
向我展示数据结构 使用高级数据结构(链接列表,队列,树,递归函数...)解决六个编程任务 这些编程挑战是UDACITY 第二个项目的。 问题涵盖了与本课程中学习的数据结构相关的各种主题。 目的是考虑到代码的效率和设计选择,以Python编写干净有效的解决方案。 该代码应有充分的解释,优雅且易于阅读。 内容 问题1:最近最少使用的缓存 设计选择:我对存储的项目使用字典,因为它为获取/设置/删除操作提供了复杂度O(1)。 更准确地说,我使用orderedDict()结构来跟踪使用顺序。 orderedDict()可用作队列来管理最不常用的密钥。 dict()随着每个操作而更新,因此表现为队列结构。 时间复杂度:所有操作都有固定的时间。 空间复杂度:通过查看字典的长度来管理最大容量。 空间复杂度为O(capacity),它等效于O(1),因为它与执行的操作数无关。 问题2:查找文件 设计
2021-02-16 21:04:07 40KB python linked-list stack blockchain
英文版高级数据结构PPT,内容包括: Amortized complexity (Web) External sorting & tournament trees (Sections 7.10.1, 7.10.2, and 5.8) Buffering (Section 7.10.3) Run generation & optimal merge patterns (Huffman trees) (Sections 7.10.4 and 7.10.5) Priority queues and merging (Section 5.6) Leftist trees, Binomial heaps and Fibonacci heaps (Sections 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4) Pairing heaps (Section 9.5) Double ended priority queues (Sections 9.6 and 9.7, Web) Static and dynamic weighted binary search trees (Section 10.1) AVL-trees (Section 10.2) Red-black trees (Section 10.3) Splay trees (Section 10.4) B-, B+ and B*-trees (Sections 11.1-11.3) Tries and digital search trees (Sections 12.1-12.3) Tries and packet forwarding (Section 12.5) Suffix trees (Section 12.4) Bloom filters (Section 8.4) Segment trees (readings) Interval trees Priority search trees (readings) k-d trees (readings) Quad and oct trees (readings) BSP trees R-trees
2020-01-04 03:14:54 1.14MB 数据结构 Data Structure
1.表中每个数之前的所有数中,它最接近的数 2.食物链(并查集) 3.逆序对(树状数组)
2019-12-21 22:24:27 587KB 食物链 逆序对
1.Frequent Values(poj 3368) 2.郁闷的出纳员(伸展树)
2019-12-21 22:24:27 683KB Frequent Values 郁闷的出纳员
高级数据结构和算法分析》计算机本科课程 答案 和 历年试卷 浙江大学
2019-12-21 20:04:29 513KB 高级数据结构 算法 答案 历年试卷