UNIX网络编程第1卷.pdf UNIX网络编程第1卷.pdf UNIX网络编程第1卷.pdf UNIX网络编程第1卷.pdf
2024-03-06 22:11:57 27.5MB UNIX网络编程第1卷.pdf
网络编程+多线程技术 具备局域网聊天功能 输入计算机名或者IP地址即可
2024-01-30 20:34:07 37KB 网络编程+多线程
// JBuilder API Decompiler stub source generated from class file // 2010-1-15 // -- implementation of methods is not available package org.apache.commons.httpclient; // Imports import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpClientParams; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; public class HttpClient { // Fields private static final Log LOG; private HttpConnectionManager httpConnectionManager; private HttpState state; private HttpClientParams params; private HostConfiguration hostConfiguration; // Constructors public HttpClient() { } public HttpClient(HttpClientParams params) { } public HttpClient(HttpClientParams params, HttpConnectionManager httpConnectionManager) { } public HttpClient(HttpConnectionManager httpConnectionManager) { } // Methods public synchronized HttpState getState() { return null;} public synchronized void setState(HttpState state) { } public synchronized void setStrictMode(boolean strictMode) { } public synchronized boolean isStrictMode() { return false;} public synchronized void setTimeout(int newTimeoutInMilliseconds) { } public synchronized void setHttpConnectionFactoryTimeout(long timeout) { } public synchronized void setConnectionTimeout(int newTimeoutInMilliseconds) { } public int executeMethod(HttpMethod method) throws IOException, HttpException { return 0;} public int executeMethod(HostConfiguration hostConfiguration, HttpMethod method) throws IOException, HttpException { return 0;} public int executeMethod(HostConfiguration hostconfig, HttpMethod method, HttpState state) throws IOException, HttpException { return 0;} public String getHost() { return null;} public int getPort() { return 0;} public synchronized HostConfiguration getHostConfiguration() { return null;} public synchronized void setHostConfiguration(HostConfiguration hostConfiguration) { } public synchronized HttpConnectionManager getHttpConnectionManager() { return null;} public synchronized void setHttpConnectionManager(HttpConnectionManager httpConnectionManager) { } public HttpClientParams getParams() { return null;} public void setParams(HttpClientParams params) { } }
2024-01-17 15:08:01 2.5MB java http httpclient socket 网络编程
2024-01-13 09:40:55 204KB 网络编程 http应用编程
2024-01-08 07:58:40 133KB UNIX网络编程第二卷
☆ 资源说明:☆ [奥莱理] Java 网络编程 第4版 (英文版) [奥莱理] Java Network Programming 4th Edition (E-Book) ☆ 图书概要:☆ This practical guide provides a complete introduction to developing network programs with Java. You’ll learn how to use Java’s network class library to quickly and easily accomplish common networking tasks such as writing multithreaded servers, encrypting communications, broadcasting to the local network, and posting data to server-side programs. Author Elliotte Rusty Harold provides complete working programs to illustrate the methods and classes he describes. This thoroughly revised fourth edition covers REST, SPDY, asynchronous I/O, and many other recent technologies. Explore protocols that underlie the Internet, such as TCP/IP and UDP/IP Learn how Java’s core I/O API handles network input and output Discover how the InetAddress class helps Java programs interact with DNS Locate, identify, and download network resources with Java’s URI and URL classes Dive deep into the HTTP protocol, including REST, HTTP headers, and cookies Write servers and network clients, using Java’s low-level socket classes Manage many connections at the same time with the nonblocking I/O ☆ 出版信息:☆ [作者信息] Elliotte Rusty Harold [出版机构] 奥莱理 [出版日期] 2013年10月14日 [图书页数] 502页 [图书语言] 英语 [图书格式] PDF 格式
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