本书通过大量短小精悍的程序,详细而全面地阐述了C++基本概念和技术以及C++11新增的功能,包括管理输入/输出、循环和数组、面向对象编程、模板、使用标准模板库以及lambda表达式等。这些内容被组织成结构合理、联系紧密的章节,每章都可在1小时内阅读完毕;每章都提供了示例程序清单,并辅以示例输出和代码分析,以阐述该章介绍的主题。为加深读者对所学内容的理解,每章末尾都提供了常见问题及其答案以及练习和测验。读者可对照附录D提供的测验和练习答案,了解自己对所学内容的掌握程度。 《21天学通C++第7版》是针对C++初学者编写的,不要求读者有C语言方面的背景知识,可作为高等院校教授C++课程的教材,也可供初学者自学C++时使用
2023-10-15 08:07:00 5.66MB c++ 入门
2023-08-25 16:20:08 22.02MB java 21天学通 担Android
《计算机科学丛书:系统分析与设计(原书第7版)》是一本优秀的系统分析与设计教材,从1988年首次出版以来,几经更新和完善,目前已经升级到第7版。   作者结合20多年的教学和实践经验,以清晰的结构、生动的语言、丰富的案例全面阐述了系统分析与设计所涉及的知识、相关技术和工具。全书共5部分,分别介绍了系统分析基础、信息需求分析、分析过程、设计基础以及质量保证和实现。
2023-08-21 16:50:08 29.11MB 系统分析
2023-04-14 15:37:06 70.83MB 可查找
C++大学自学教程 第7版配套光盘,从最简单的知识开始,依次讲解,有C++源代码
2023-04-04 20:47:57 14.96MB C++
2023-04-01 11:57:51 22.94MB OPENGL
共5本电子书:(超值大礼包) unix网络编程第2版(1 2卷).pdf UNIX网络编程卷1:套接字联网API(第3版).pdf UNIX网络编程 卷2:进程间通信(第2版).pdf 计算机网络(第七版)复习题答案与课本对应.doc 计算机网络(第7版)-谢希仁.pdf
2023-03-28 22:22:14 229.48MB 网络编程
This book is an introduction to computer graphics with an emphasis on applica- tions programming. The first edition, which was published in 1997, was somewhat revolutionary in using OpenGL and a top-down approach. Over the succeeding 16 years and 6 editions, this approach has been adopted by most introductory classes in computer graphics and by virtually all the competing textbooks. The sixth edition reflected the recent major changes in graphics software due to major changes in graphics hardware. In particular, the sixth edition was fully shaderbased, enabling readers to create applications that could fully exploit the capabilities of modern GPUs. We noted that these changes are also part of OpenGL ES 2.0, which is being used to develop applications for embedded systems and handheld devices, such as cell phones and tablets, and of WebGL, its JavaScript implementation. At the time, we did not anticipate the extraordinary interest in WebGL that began as soon as web browsers became available that support WebGL through HTML5. As we continued to write our books, teach our SIGGRAPH courses, and pursue other graphics-related activities, we became aware of the growing excitement about WebGL. WebGL applications were running everywhere, including on some of the latest smart phones, and even though WebGL lacks some of the advanced features of the latest versions of OpenGL, the ability to integrate it with HTML5 opened up a wealth of new application areas. As an added benefit, we found it much better suited than desktop OpenGL for teaching computer graphics. Consequently, we decided to do a seventh edition that uses WebGL exclusively. We believe that this edition is every bit as revolutionary as any of the previous editions.
2023-03-22 07:00:51 10.57MB WebGL
Visual Basic 2012入门经典(第7版中文版)
2023-03-01 10:43:25 146.68MB VB.NET
汇编语言 基于x86处理器 中文扫描第7版
2022-12-20 16:53:29 4.95MB 汇编语言